I have 16 heritage turkeys. The area they're going to live in in inside the half acre or so the hens are getting. They don't really need that much space anyway. I know about the blackhead risk but I'm pretty sure it's not present in my
chickens. Most likely the turkeys would already be dead by now if it was, and last year's wouldn't have thrived to 34 weeks before slaughtering for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.
I have plenty of electronet fencing so I can segregate them. What I'm wondering is how much risk there is if I let them commingle. I don't keep roosters, but of the 16 turkeys probably 6-10 are toms. Not 100% sure yet on the split as they're about 13-14 weeks old now. Some are clearly toms, some are clearly hens, but there a few I'm not sure about. Anyway, will the toms try to dominate/mate with the layers? Not sure if they only will do that with turkey hens, or if they go for anything that will hold still long
enough. Obviously the toms could easily kill a layer
chicken doing that. I'm also concerned about just them picking on the layers and possibly killing or seriously injuring them.
Is it likely to be ok mixing them (i.e. am I overly concerned), or
should I just keep them apart?