Help me develop a design kit for permaculture enthusiasts:
Furthering Permaculture next to Lake Ontario.
CA, Southern Sierras, alt. 4550 feet, zone 9ish. (still figuring it out), 3 mo. grow season. Regular wind to 20 mph. SANDY soil with scrub oak,pine,and juniper. 2 seasonal creeks.
Permaculture will save civilization:
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Permaculture will save civilization:
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Permaculture will save civilization:
Keep in mind, multiple video crews said they were going to film the sepp event. And then bailed at the last second. There was so much that he said that was amazingly profound - I guess you had to be there.
I'll be there with my camera. Maybe a pro will buy a ticket and do something big. Or maybe they will say they will and in the end it doesn't happen.
Help me develop a design kit for permaculture enthusiasts:
It can be done!
Projects, plans, resources - now on the digital marketplace.
Try the Everything Combo as a reference guide.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Adrien Lapointe wrote:Caleb,
thanks for the info. How cold is it in Missoula this time of year? I.e. would I need very warm camping gear? Are most people staying on site?
I babble at,
more at
Erica Wisner wrote:
As with many warm, dynamic, personal, intimate, complicated, social experiences, video is no substitute for participation.
Help me develop a design kit for permaculture enthusiasts:
Ryan H wrote:Is there still room? How many have signed up so far?
Elia Charalambides wrote:
I would pay 30 a pop+ for this information in video format. It seems to me many others would too. Just seems like a lost opportunity for those holding the knowledge. While it would be ideal for us all to learn through apprentice style workshops...sometimes its just unfeasible.
Even $400 one time compared to $200 a month for gas heating cost in the winter seems like nothing.
Sorry its not "on-topic"... but for those of us that are excited to learn these things but can't make it, what else is?
It can be done!
Max Kennedy wrote:If the hot water portion won't be filmed how will it achieve widespread dispersal among the permies group?
Help me develop a design kit for permaculture enthusiasts:
No matter how many women are assigned to the project, a pregnancy takes nine months. Much longer than this tiny ad:
Willow Feeder movie