Hi Tas, wher i am we have a program where they pull troubled kids out of their urban environments and dump them in the French countryside at farmers without smartphones and all. I tried to interest this kid and asked him what he would grow, he wanted to grow weed and coke, i said no, but we can try tobacco.
He was all ears and i ordered seeds, they grew like crazy, no pests, the kid left but the plants stayed.
I had watched a you tube on how to harvest it and understood just drying was good
enough, i just hung them up in the house, they slowly dried.
My smoker friend had said he had no money, so i brought him some to try, i was hoping for him to have a big smile on his face, after rolling an all natural, no pesticides, loved and appreciated plant cigarette and light it and inhale, but he pulled a grimace. Any way i left it with him, and when i met him a few weeks later he wanted more. I said i thought you hated it, but he had no money and needed to smoke and had gotten to kind of like it. Maybe he missed the sugar/chemical spray at first...
Later i found out there were clubs of people growing tobacco, they had all sorts, and there was a big difference amongst the varieties of tobacco. Some where for cigarette machines, others for rolling tobacco. I never got around to ordering a nice rolling tobacco one, a shame really.
I told this story to my brother i law, he said he buys his tobacco in Germany, they
sell these machines to chop up whole tobacco leaves, which they sell as cushion filler, saves him a thousand a year.
Less money going to destroy the environment subsidizing mono culture farms and using the soil as a chemicals receptor substrate is a good thing for the earth. I read somewhere people used it in the three sister combination as the fourth sister because of it's pesticide qualities. I've been inhaling pesticide fumes for years and i'm still alive, proof we're not a pest?
Sorry i know nothing about curing tobacco, just anecdotes and fluff. Good luck.