So a week ago I set up my hutch and built three cages for new bunnies. My wife was able to find a
local source for rex-breed
rabbits. The original owner breeds show rabbits primarily. Initially, I wanted to purchase from him a "proven" buck and doe combination and a younger buck and doe. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to provide any proven breeders. I ended up with one buck 12-14 weeks old a doe 12-14 weeks old and another 8-week old pair. All of the rabbits look good and healthy. We are pleased with our purchase.
I have a few questions. I read in Storey's guide that you are better off raising rabbits that have been given primarily
feed on feed. I have noticed though that the rabbits seem to eat most of what we throw at them. Earlier this week I was thinning out my radishes and decided to see if the rabbits would like the greens. They devoured them. One bunny, in particular, seems to really love them. My children have fed them grasses and
dandelions. They seem to prefer just about anything to the feed. If you drop fresh greens or flowers of any kind in the cage they will readily devour them before touching the feed. Is there a reason why I shouldn't provide them with a diet of fresh greens, grasses (my plot of
land is my granddad's old field the wheat or whatever it is, still grows tall if we don't mow it and it is plentiful? I have been thinking of setting them out in a small trailer and letting them eat the
lawn for a while?
Secondly, I am wondering at what age I
should start trying to breed the oldest pair? I am hoping to get a few litters before the summer sets in.