Two threads about mirrors, please put replies in the relevant one :)
This one is Mirrors in a
The other is
Mirrors in the garden
I was thinking while I was working about using mirrors in a
greenhouse to bounce the light around, and make the space feel bigger. I saw a conservatory once that had a diagonal black and white checkerboard floor done in very shiny tile, and they had mirrors the same size on the diagonal, going up the walls to match the white tiles, the wall itself was painted deep blue. The effect was amazing and elegant, and all the potted plants were reflected and it was an awesome design.
I think if I did it to the north wall of my planned greenhouse, it would be cool to make fake arches with mirrors between them, made to look like space behind a
trellis. My quick sketch of what I see in my head:
i think it would really make a greenhouse look neat to be mirrored!
Have you ever used mirrors in a greenhouse?