I’m not familiar with the comfrey tractor method of propagating comfrey but what I find really simple is to put good chunky cuttings in a small pot and leave where I want them to grow.
They are left to fend for themselves, the spot is along a wooden pallet
fence that runs N-S. it’s relatively slow, at least two growing seasons but by the time the leaves have sprouted twice, they die back in winter in our climate - snowing overnight this evening.
I just cut through the bottom of the pot, slicing through the roots that have grown into the soil below the pot and move to the next spot that I want to get them established. Our
chickens love brassicas, sorrel and comfrey, surprisingly they really like the stems, the concentration of allantoin is higher than in the leaves, only bettered in the roots.
Got to love comfrey. I make a salve with dehydrated comfrey leaf and root, steeped in evoo and melted beeswax that is used on everything from our lips, hands, stings, burns etc