So, I have been working on my plan to start doing what little i can on my small piece of
land and I wanted to outline what i have in mind so far here to get critiqued by you all. so please feel free to give suggestions, corrections, advice, ect. i would really appreciate it as i don't know anyone in 'real' life that is into this stuff. i have zero dollars to put towards this and i am a stay at home mother of 4 kids, 2 of whom are disabled. i am not afraid to work though and get the kids involved in whatever they can do, like collecting rocks.
so starting out, my back lot is 48x62 in northern ontario, canada. i also have a smaller front lot, i am not measuring it though and i can't exactly 'farm' there but i do have plans....
what i am starting to do now:
-collecting fallen
trees from the forest near my home. so far i have a couple fresh ones but i need to find some a couple years old that are close
enough to carry/drag.
-gathering materials to make a worm farm
-saving all my paper, organic waste
-i buried the logs i did have in leaves and dirt, not quite a hugelkulture bed but they can start to break down now.
-looking for free/cheap materials i can use. so far i am keeping my eyes open for
gardening equipment, rocks i like, bins, old tires for growing potatoes, leaves,
compost.... i am not sure what else would be helpful to have around, suggestions would
be nice.
my plan of attack... so first i am collecting things and piling them in the
yard. i am going to set up a hugelkulture bed in my front yard, about 2 feet high(i think i could get away with that without causing issues with the neighbours) i need to cut down two cedars because of home repairs we are currently doing. i know cedar is not ideal but i will use them in the bed, and then plant it with a blueberry hedge. there will be another hugelkulture bed in the back, it will be somewhat square to fit the area i want to put it, probably about 5x5x3 unless there is some reason that wouldn't work that anyone knows of? this will be planted but i'm not sure with what yet. i'm thinking annual veggies this year. the rest of the back yard will eventually become a forest of food. next year i will plant some type of vine on my pagoda to provide shade for us. suggestions welcome, must be food bearing. i am considering small cucumbers for pickling or summer squash if it can grow that way. i know there are climbing beans that could work. grapes would be ideal but they don't grow well here and the ones that do are awfully bitter. i am thinking of burying logs through out the yard at intervals to provide future food for the plants. in the spring i will be ordering trees. i may order a couple extra and plant them in forest clearings in my area. (: kind of a secret location. i just found out my neighbour has an
apple tree so i don't have to worry about pollination and i will get only one of those(for now anyways) my other half has asked for pears, so i will get two of those, one in the front yard, one in the back, i am going to try cherry trees because the 'can' fruit here and with global warming perhaps they will do well, it is worth the risk for me because i do so love cherries. the only nut tree i could find that grows well here is the butternut and it gets really big, it also grows wild here so i think i may order a few of these and plant them around the area, hopefully they will grow. i am also planning on rhubarb this year, and adding several more raspberry bushes. i will also be adding hanging planters around my pagoda to grow food in. i think if i can accomplish this much for now that is more than a good start. i was considering putting in a
water storage tank but i don't think i can at this time as my other renovations are turning out to be quite a lot more costly than i had expected. i would also like some advice on improving the over all soil quality in my yard so that things have a better chance of living when i plant them.