So, I have made the leap. I have found an amazing couple that are passionate about
permaculture and biodynamics with
land to share. I found them through the California Farmlink program, a nonprofit dedicated to helping young farmers acquire land. I believe there are farmlink programs in other states as well.
It has been about 3 weeks since first making the move. And so far I have made 6 hugelculture beds (or rather hugel/swale beds) of varying size. I actually finished the largest one today. All have been sowed with Landino clover per Fukaoka's advice. I also plan to sow many other supportive plants like lupine, vetch, and others when I have the money to do so. Tonight I will plant some veggies.
The property is about 40 acres, mostly forested. It has a great big
pond that needs some pigs to seal it. There are goats, a sheep, and plenty of fresh free range eggs from 20 or so
chickens. I hope to get some female goats for
milk and
soap making soon. Overall it is a beautiful piece of land with plenty of rotten
wood for future hugelprojects.
The couples house is strawbale with earthen plaster. It stays very cool even in 100 degree weather. I may start on a little
cob cabin in the spring! The only problem is
water is limited...
permaculture to the rescue! As part of our agreement I do odd jobs around the property, one of which is expanding the existing
swale system. I am also trying to
sell them on planting vetiver grass (one of my favorite
permie plants) at the base of the swale to increase ground water infiltration.
My long term goals are to spend 3 to 5 years at the property and then find some property of my own. Then I would like to help young (or old) permies in the same way this couple is helping me. I have strong desire to increase the quality of life for all humans and I think
permaculture is a good way to go about this (along with yoga, meditation, and nutrient dense food). I
should also mention that since moving to this piece of land symptoms from my autoimmune disorder (grave's disease) have greatly diminished. I feel strong and healthy like I haven't felt in years. Must be all those fresh eggs and veggies! I was living in the Sacramento area which for those who don't know is like the filth pit of California. In many ways it is worse than the LA region because it is not near the coast. If you have a chronic illness seriously consider moving to a healthier environment. Every night I sleep well and every morning I wake up rested and full of
energy. I literally hop out of bed and head straight for the garden to see what is growing and to fiddle around making more areas to grow nutrient rich food.
My long-long term goal is to buy a bunch of land in southern California (perhaps in partnership with others?). Scrub land out there is cheap I've seen acres for as low as $3000. I want to get over 1000 acres and permie the crap out of it. If they can
permaculture the Sahara and areas like Jordan then it can be done in the southern California desert. I want to start a large community and give people a chance to escape the rat race and live how humans evolved to. Eating good food, living within a supportive community and not stressing themselves to the point of cancer or other chronic conditions.
thread is for people looking for land in California (or anywhere really), please share your experiences and perhaps it can be a means for people with land to partner with those who want to work the land and live well. If we work together we can spread permaculture like a healing wildfire. Not only to heal the land but also ourselves. Please forgive me if I post intermittently as I do not have internet access on the property yet. I am typing this at a Starbucks
p.s. I am in the Grass Valley/Nevada
City area in case there are in other permies in the area (i know there are) that would like to get together to talk permaculture!