Josephine, Forest Witch
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Josephine Howland wrote:Do you notice gas with other food? You might want to try a low FodMap diet. (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols). It avoids any food that ferments in your body. You first do an elimination diet of avoiding all high fodmap foods, then gradually add food back into your diet, one food at a time to see what causes you distress. If your gas is very smelly...avoid onions at all costs. I try to avoid all high fodmap foods but can't always. Even apples, pears, and stone fruit are high fodmap. We all know things like broccoli and cabbage cause gas, but seriously who doesn't love broccoli? I take a generic beano, a dairy aid (generic Lactaid), and a gluten aid, as well as maximum strength gas x (again, generic) Because I cheat and eat some high fodmap food including beans, I still get gas, but, by avoiding onions they aren't smelly for the most part. Yes, I could clear a room before this!
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Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.
In modern times the only right way forward is to come back to nature.
Welcome to the serfdom.
Ela La Salle wrote:I'm not much of a help in this department but have a question of my own, if anyone has experienced post-digestive issues after consuming Fava beans?
I am trying to grow some for the very first time this year. The seeds are in the ground. I'm awaiting seedlings.
I used to eat them eons ago as a kid, but haven't had any since.
It's hard to get the true Fava beans as they're classified as broad beans. Even Googling "it", the information is confusing. I beg to differ but what do I know? I'm just starting the "bean romance" LOL
Thanks to anyone who can share some thoughts.
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Rebecca Norman wrote:"Broad beans" is simply the British English term for fava beans, so keep googling happily.
There are a couple of issues with fava beans, though. Some individuals have a bad reaction to them. Fava beans are grown near me but I've decided not to use them often, in case any of my guests turn out to have a problem.
Welcome to the serfdom.
Ela La Salle wrote:Cécile Stelzer Johnson,
Thank you kindly. I appreciate your explanation.
I'm European. The confusing part I find, is that Latin names on seed packets themselves, are different, of the same bean. Some don't have any.
The ones I remember from childhood, were big, meaty, picked green from green pods, but BIG! .Eaten after being cooked, and darn delicious
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You'll never get away with this you overconfident blob! The most you will ever get is this tiny ad:
A rocket mass heater heats your home with one tenth the wood of a conventional wood stove