Dave, how many chicks does she have? Just the two you mention, or did more hatch? If it's been 2 days since the last chick hatched, I'd absolutely remove the rest. You could candle them as you go (pretty much any flashlight will do), and check for pipping (a peck in the shell from the inside out), and smell for "rotten", because there's no law saying you can't change your mind, but a first time
chicken mom sometimes had difficulty giving up on the duds, and you do want her paying attention to and looking after the live chicks.
Chickens, and even more so, Muscovy ducks, seem to be pre-programmed for "this number of chicks/ducklings is enough". If they have a really poor hatch, the transition is harder, and I've often had moms with single ducks hatch pretty much refuse to give up.