The summer of 2022 was not good for walnut seeds.
But Butternut
trees are supposed to alternate good years and bad years.
Nobody seemed to have Butternut seeds for sale in 2022, so I assume that was a bad year.
Hopefully, 2023 is a good year.
To Canadians who may be reading this
Incredible Seeds (IS), in Nova Scotia, sells Butternut seeds--but they only ship within Canada.
Also, a caveat, they do not guarantee the purity of their plants, or even know the exact variety. They get their Butternut seeds from wild trees growing in the
local forest. They may be hybrids. And if you buy seeds from IS, and get them genetically tested to confirm they are 100% Butternuts, in future years IS may not pick seeds from the exact same spot in the forest. Bottom line: there is no consistency and you do not know what you are getting.
James, are there no local trees from which you can collect seeds?
You wouldn't know for sure if they are hybrids, but I don't know important purity is to you.