Please correct me if my thinking is erroneous...
I've got five high bush blueberries gifted to me from a neighbor who moved this summer. They're in giant pots and I'm getting ready to put them in the ground this week or next as soon as we get our first rain and the ground softens up.
So I was thinking, blueberries can
root along the stem, right? Can I bury them lower than they currently are in the pots to encourage the stems to grow
roots and get a fuller, more vigorous bush?
Here's why I'm wondering ... The goal with pruning blueberries is to encourage new growth from the base so you end up with multiple thick stems coming up from the ground in a nicely spaced grouping, rather than a main truck with lots of branches coming off that trunk.
These blueberries are really tall but only have 1-3 main stems. If I plant them deeper so some of the lower side branches are now at ground level, then I'm closer to a more ideal blueberry bush shape. And then hopefully I get more new shoots from the ground next year.
Would this work or am I just making stuff up? 😆 😜
Or I plant them, wait a few months, and then prune them close to the ground and hope that kick-starts them into sending up a bunch of new shoots.