i really have no idea what to call this or if there is a name for systems like what i want to do... so here goes...
i want to make a fenced off area to raise guinea pigs. i want to plant the area with forages and small
trees, etc that the gpigs can forage themselves. i have plenty of space and my biggest thing will be fencing it off. also i am in Ohio USA so i realize i will be feeding
hay and things in the winter.
i am hoping to have a variety of grasses growing in the area as well as put in things like carrots, parsely, cucumbers, peppers, beets, cilantro, peas. and someone sent me seed for large, leafy dandelions so since they grow so easily i will put those in there (yes i know about how they can take over, we have dandilions here already but not much on my
land and with the pigs in the pen i'm actually more worried about the plants not growing
enough to come back the next year).
is there already things like this? any thoughts on this?