There is no time in modern agriculture for a farmer to write poetry or compose a song -- Masanobu Fukuoka
Ashi Taka wrote:Hi everybody, I´m writing from Chile. I´m part of a group of international filmmakers who will take on the quest of capturing communities of natural farmers around the world as part of a series. The obvious starting point for us is the Master Masanobu Fukuoka and the Ehime Prefecture.
Our director of photography is Japanese and lives in Tokyo. We would like to know the natural farmers in the region and interview them. We are still at the pre-production stage gathering as much information possible. It´ll be of great help to know active communities in southern Japan (and in the entire country) doing natural farming. For us is not important that these communities are not following the very same steps of Fukuoka-san, what we are looking for are people and communities that are implementing the essence of Masanobu Fukuoka´s teachings.
We are opened to your kind suggestions.
Thank you
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