Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:I've been planting fava beans, collards, kale, carrots, lettuce, arugula, broccoli, radish, turnip, rutabaga. Night-time temps in the upper 20s, or around 30 F (ice on buckets of water) and many tiny baby sprouts seem fine, especially the fava beans.
J W Richardson wrote:This winter here in zone 5-6 it got down to -10 with about a foot of snow cover, small fall planted pac choi, kale, spinach, and some arugula made it through. Spring planted large kale made it through too. In general, take literally any seed instructions that say 'plant as soon as ground can be worked'. Spinach is better fall planted, lasts longer before bolting.
Swiss chard, beets, carrots don't grow much in super early spring but don't die either. Swiss chard sometimes winters over, and the beets that the rodents didn't get were growing.
Idle dreamer
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