I might have some good news, I'm not sure.
A big issue related to paint chips from houses is actually lead. Lead can accumulate in the soils directly around houses and fences that at one time had lead paint and it has a tendency not to wash away. The good news is that lead does not tend to bioaccumulate in plants.
Microplastics is a bit trickier. I don't know a lot of literature on the subject specifically towards remediation of contaminated soil but I'd be willing to think that there might be some plants that are known to bioaccumulate the plastics more than another. That plant could be used for a season or two and then disposed of to reduce the amount of microplastics in the area. How to quantify the effectiveness? I'm not so sure.
An idea that I think might be a good middle of the road is to create raised beds and bring in soil to create a 'clean layer'. A big worry is the splash of soil onto vegetables that are not cleaned off for lead and that can be eliminated by this height increase. I would assume microplastics will require avoiding
root systems penetrating down into the contaminated soil but a high walled
raised bed would do a good job. Perhaps building something that you could garden while standing?