We have run lovely composting toilet setup, using sawdust we get free from a
local lumber
yard. It's all pretty fine sawdust from green sweet chestnut coppice.
We have NEVER had issues with smell due to urine etc... provided a sufficient amount of sawdust is being added to the bucket regularly. There has been no need to divert urine and process it separately, and the urine ensures that the sawdust makes for a very hot composting process with neutralises everything in a matter of a few days.
permaculture approach her is "the problem is the solution" - your current system has an issue with too much urine for some reason, but the nitrogen in urine is incredibly valuable as a nutrient and makes good compost. Using an enzyme to break it down (presumably back to atmospheric nitrogen?) is essentially looking for a waste disposal system for urine.
Maybe flip your thinking round. How can your redesign your system to get maximum use from the urine, so it isn't a waste to dispose of?