S Carreg wrote:chickens create a lot of heat just on their own though so the coop might be that hot when it's sitting in the shade and empty but if they're all in there it will get toasty pretty quick
Otis Banks wrote:
This spring, I left my son in charge of taking care of the hens for about a week while I was working long days. He didn't change their water and they stopped drinking because the water got scummy. They promptly stopped laying, all of them. After a week they hadn't come out of it, despite clean water and plenty of feed. I scrambled up a couple of eggs and fed them to them, and 3 days later they started laying again. Could be coincidence, but this has worked for both my brother and I. It seems like the protein boost from the scrambled eggs kind of kickstarts egg development again, or restarts it if it stalls.
I'm curious what you more experienced chicken folk think of that?
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