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Order copies of my book, Dairy Farming: The Beautiful Way at
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struggle - hustle - soul - desire
The vigor of the trumpet vine should not be underestimated. In warm weather, it puts out huge
numbers of tendrils that grab onto every available surface, and eventually expand into heavy
woody stems several centimeters in diameter. It grows well on arbors, fences, telephone poles,
and trees, although it may dismember them in the process. Ruthless pruning is recommended.
Outside of its native range this species has the potential to be highly invasive,
even as far north as New England.
Cortland Satsuma wrote:@ Brian,
I am also considering grapes for my fencing (wood and only 6'...our deer while plentiful, are lazy...they go to the neighbors without fences, lol). I am still quite new to grape cultivation; will they thrive only on the sunniest exposures? What has been your experience in this regard? I am zone 7-8. As your harvests have been bountiful and my 5 pre-existing grapes have been doing dismally, I would appreciate any pointers! We would like to have a good crop of eating grapes; not looking into wine making at this time.
Karl Silkington wrote:Has anyone tried thorny vines like Rasberries or Blackberries or bushes like Sea buckthorn?
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
Mike Jay wrote:
Deer resistant shrubs for him:
Black currants
Red currants
Black cap raspberries
Sea buckthorn
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