I always plant zinnias in the veggie garden. I didn't really find them that appealing. I just planted them because they are eatable. ( I only plant eatable flowers in the veggie garden, we don't eat them, but we can). Great pollinators, and at least where I live super easy to grow.
This year I decided I needed more flowers in my life. So when I was ordering and buying my veggie seeds this year I also picked out some pretty flowers.
Wow I got some very pretty zinnias. They are so beautiful and last so long. I have always loved cosmos, but they are in constant need of deadheading, zinnias stay pretty quiet long. I also read zinnias tea helps fight bronchitis. It's antioxidant, antifungal, and antimalarial properties.They are also good for helping to remove
LED and toxins from the soil.Please remember I'm not an expert, that the information is what I have read, or watched.
This year the zinnias are my favorite veggies garden flowers.