Joe, I grow at 46.66 north, 15 miles from Wisconsin, in the orbit of Duluth, also on pretty sandy loam. I'm very much not an expert gardener (I think my corn experiments will be a complete bust this year, with not a single
cob ready before frost shuts us down), but I've been growing corn on this property for four years (with usually better results). I save the best seed each year (favoring vigor, flavor, and dark colors) and make tortillas and cornbread with the rest. The list of commercially available corns that I have mixed into my starting grex follows:
Mandan Parching Lavender, Open Oak Party Mix, Japanese Black Sticky, Golden Bantam 12-row, Chapaolte, Oaxacan green, Painted Mountain Corn (alpine selection), Lofthouse Flour Corn, blue "indian corn", Japonica Striped Maize, chalqueno rojo, bolita azul, olotillo blanco, Cascade Ruby Gold, Magic Manna flour, Magic Manna flour, Cascade Ruby Gold, Painted Mountain Corn, Navajo Robins Egg flint, Great Plains Rainbow flint, Hopi Turquoise flour, Japanese Striped flint, Seneca Round Nose flour, Nothstine dent, Blue Clarage dent, Fire Pink Calico dent, Strubbes Green dent, Mandan Bride flour, Seneca Red Stalker, Stowell's Evergreen, Double Red, Johnson County White, Glass Gem popcirn, Bear Island Chippewa flour, Early Pink popcorn, Mandan Lavender Parching flour, Advent Gulch, Magic Manna , Wapsie Valley dent, Bloody Butcher dent, Jimmie Red dent, Trucker's Favorite White dent, Hickory King yellow dent, Cocke's Prolific dent, Pencil Cobb dent, Montana Morado Maize, Re-Pioneer, Lofthouse Flour, Austin's
Landrace, Eagle Meets Condor, Montana Cudu, Papa's Red, Rodrigo's Northern Wisconsin-Adapted Oaxacan White, Jimmy Red, Blue Corn Blend, Orange Corn Blend, Ohio Valley Flint, Polar Dent, Minnesota 13, Lofthouse flour, Mix grain corn , Bolita Belatove, starburst manna, seneca blue bear dance, Gigante Hominy self-feeding grex, Asheville Morado self-feeding grex, Speckled Parching self-feeding grex, Ultracross self-feeding grex, Conico, Xocoyul, Xocoyul rosado, Bolito belatove , Dzitbocol morado , Conico azul, Andrew's popcorn, Bear paw popcorn
I'd be willing to grab a handful of each of my saved years and also the commercial starting grex, mix them in a bag and mail them to you. If you want to send me seed that you've saved from anything that's growing well for you, I'll probably incorporate it into next year's garden. Drop me a PM if you're interested.