"I'm useless, but not for long. My future is coming on."
"Earth turns to gold in the hands of the wise."
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog : www.kaufarmer.blogspot.com
Su Ba wrote:Wow, you've chosen 3 significantly different sized birds! I've never tried keeping such extreme size variations in a close pen, but if the hens have enough room they should be ok. The frizzle will be at a disadvantage because she won't be able to fly to avoid being attacked. But having said that, my own little frizzle is quite bossy and will even peck my pushy leghorns.
My own hens have plenty of space, so their size isn't an issue. The flock is made up of all sorts of breeds just because I like to see them. Red Star, Rhodes Island Reds, Speckled Sussex, white Leghorn, Americana, New Hampshire, Austalorps, Barred Rocks, Turkens, assorted Wyandottes. Plus an assortment of banties, just for fun. If I were concerned about feed efficiency and top egg production, I'd stick with Red Stars and Leghorns.
I know of a neighbor who had kept a standard size Araucana and a banty Buff Brahma together is a 3 tiered chicken condo in his backyard. They did fine although the banty often wasn't "allowed" in the upper tier. But the hens didn't overtly fight.
Hope things work out for you. Personally I think everyone should have at least one hen. It's a great way to recycle kitchen waste and produce fresh eggs.
"I'm useless, but not for long. My future is coming on."
"Earth turns to gold in the hands of the wise."
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"I'm useless, but not for long. My future is coming on."
"Earth turns to gold in the hands of the wise."
"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”
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"Earth turns to gold in the hands of the wise."
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