Beautiful flowers! I love seeing what people have in bloom.
I grow a LOT of flowers. I could fill pages here with flowers! I grow them for beauty, for cutting, for pollinators, for herbalism, for all kinds of reasons. But I'll keep it under control and just show off three beauties that are blooming in my
yard right now.
The first is a poppy. I planted the seeds last year. This year had a
volunteer. I think this seed came from Seed Savers Exchange?
Next is Forget-Me-Nots. The colour just knocks me over--it's one of the truest blues I've ever seen in a flower. These I also planted last year from seed, but got quite a few volunteers this year.
Last is a hollyhock. I usually start a couple from seed each year, and then put them in the garden to bloom the following year, as they're biennials. I use a package of mixed colours, so I never know what colour I'll get until it blooms. I adore this colour--kind of raspberry wine.