Alright! Here's my outline. Sorry formatting didn't transfer as nicely as I had hoped. If you want a document file see attachment for pdf:
Note: This outline is organized by content- not chronologically. Its purpose is to compile and organize a body of possible material- that's all. For this reason actual "lesson plans" are not described at all. Some may seem very dry because of wording- they are actually way more fun than they may sound.
Garden Ecology and Art
1. Garden Ecology
2. Art
I. Garden Ecology
- activity: garden scavenger hunt
A. Plants- Botany
1. Plant Physiology
-discussion: what plant parts do we eat? 10-15 min
-activity: plant dissections
-activity: your mutant fantasy plant (drawing) 20-45 min
2. Basic Plant I.D.
-discussion: safety in the garden- ask before you eat
-activity: the great radish hunt
-activity: leaf rubbings
3. Plant Behavior
-discussion: how plants prefer to be treated
-activity: seed starting in ziploc bags
-activity: growing avocado and mango pits
-activity: making clones- sprouting spuds, pineapple tops, carrot tops, onion pieces
-activity: graphing plant growth in the garden
-activity: rooting cuttings from willow hormone (2 days)
-activity: trying different substrates
4. Plant Ecology
a.) Plant uses in the Garden (
Permaculture and Biodynamics)
-discussion: what do plants need to survive and where does it come from?
-activity: Guild Build Game (needs development)
-activity: chop and drop
5. Ethno-Botany: Cultural Use of Plants
a.) Plants as food
-activity: garden tasting tour
-activity: herbal sachets
b.) Plants from other cultures
native vs. immigrant
-activity: mapping movement of people and plants
c.) Functional Plants
-activity: mini willow construction and living fences
-activity: dye bath from garden plants/grocery store vegetables
B. Animals- Biology
1. Worms and Vermiculture- using my 5 tiered "worm factory 360"
-discussion: how worms prefer to be treated 3-7 min
-activity: daily worm observation and maintenance 3-10 min
-activity: adopt a worm
-discussion/activity: worm physiology- build an earthworm 2 days
-activity: designing and building a bigger and better worm bin from unconventional materials. design: 20-30 min. implementation: 1-2 days
-activity: harvesting the castings! identification of organisms, worm count, weighing the harvest, etc 15-30 min
-activity: making worm tea
2. Insects and other bugs
a.) Pollinators and Flowers
-activity: the great bug search
-discussion: insect physiology
-activity: make and hide your own camouflaged paper bugs
-activity: invent your own specialized flower/pollinator relationship (drawing-comic strip) 15-45 min
-activity: carpenter bee house
3.Microorganisms- see compost and soil science
4. "Pests"
-discussion: who are we to call anyone a pest? (adaptive system design)
-ongoing discussion: beneficial roles of "pests"
-activity: debate- humans vs. pests
-activity: pest/predator observation and documentation
-activity: pest control experiment (homemade slug traps)
5. Humans as Educated Stewards- rethinking our role as animals
6. Vertebrates in the Garden
a.) Amphibians
-activity: toad houses
-activity: the great toad release
b.) Mammals
-discussion: what mammals are found in the garden?
-activity: nocturnal animal tracking
-activity: not your average
bat house
c.) Birds
-discussion: how can birds work for us?
-activity: not your average scarecrow
C. Mushrooms- Mycology
1. Mushroom Safety
-discussion: mushroom ID and safety protocol
-activity: deadly mushroom game
2. Fungi Physiology and Ecology- through cultivation
a.) Mushroom Kit
-activity: daily observation and maintenance
b.) Mushroom Bed
-activity: design and prep
-activity: inoculation with spent kits
-activity: daily observation and possible maintenance
c.) Wild/Native Fungi
-activity: cultivation from wild samples
D. Compost and Soil Science
1. Playing in the Dirt
-activity: miniature ponds
-discussion: what is soil made of?
-activity: soil sampling and analysis
-activity: mulch experiments via path maintenance and observation
2. Vermiculture- see #1 under "Animals" above
3. Bokashi, LAB, BIM, EM, and IMOs
-discussion: microorganisms in our lives (ongoing)
-activity: LAB cultivation and observation (ongoing)
-activity: Sourcing native Beneficial Indigenous Microorganisms (30 min)
-activity: looking at microorganisms (and drawing them) (30-40 min)
-activity: bokashi inoculation or
newspaper bokashi (15-30 min)
-activity: ongoing IMO vs. worm vs. regular compost systems
II Art
A. Observational/Imaginative Art
1. Field Illustrations
-discussion: field illustrations throughout the ages
-activity: drawing in the field (30-60 min)
-activity: "Drawing from Nature" exercises/meditations (5-15 min)
2. Still Life Drawing/painting
-discussion: setting up a still life
-activity: micro/macro charcoal drawings (1-2 days)
-activity: bouquet still life paintings (1-2 days)
3. Art for the Garden (also see habitat building activities under "Animals")
-discussion: the role of art/artists in the
sustainability movement
-activity: constructing informational signs and markers
-activity: functional garden decor for bird repel (1-2 days)
-activity: edible mandalas
-activity: stone creatures
-activity: not your average scarecrow (also under "Animals")
-discussion: gardening as art
-activity: upcycled garden containers
-activity: vertical growing systems
4. Art from the Garden
-discussion: fine art from organic materials
-activity: leaf print textile art (after traditional Indian tapestry design) (1-2 days)
-activity: pressed specimen portraits
-activity: making paint from scratch