We have been sold a bill of goods about protein. I am not
vegetarian, but I watch my protein intake for very different reasons to most others I have noticed. Everyone is so worried about not getting
enough... as though protein deficiency was a common and real threat in our society. Who has convinced us of this? Follow the money.
Amino acids are needed for building.
What is seldom spoken of is that amino acids are taken in and recycled in the human body. High intake of something that is recycled can create problems. Protein is supposed to be a scarce item on the menu. We are physically designed to optimally gather in amino acids and recycle them. We are superb at actively collecting available amino acids from our food. [We are not superb at collecting minerals from our food...]. When we take in an excess in amino acids we create problems. Think of a building site that keeps taking in building materials beyond what is needed. What is useful becomes problematic. And the problem is that the excess amino acids are broken down for
energy use and the extra nitrogen molecule is excreted as waste. If there is too much nitrogen needing to be excreted then the load on the kidneys becomes excessive and the stage is set for toxicity and disease.
When is the highest need for protein? At what age? Infancy. How much protein in mother's
milk? 5-6%. The rapidly developing baby is optimally supplied with amino acids for building body mass on a diet that is 5-6% protein. Adults do not need to grow at the rate of a baby. We maintain build. [Body builder's need more food... not a higher ratio of protein in the food they eat ... in the extra food they will get the extra protein, and carbs and minerals etc, to have the extra body mass functioning correctly... keep the percentages correct just more of it the bigger you are].
The modern western diet for the adult can contain 30 and even 40 percent protein. Toxicity results. That is why athletes can just drop dead during a marathon. High toxicity and body strain. Not clean inside. Reduce obvious protein for one month from a diet and watch the pain recede. I did it.... many others too. Worth trying if you are struggling with health issues. Chronic acidity will lead to chronic pain. Want to track how much protein you are consuming? Go to this site ...
My favourite protein food now is raw egg yolk. It has so many health benefits. Not everyone's taste .... to be honest I didn't dream it would become mine
... but I prefer not to cook protein for a number of reasons. It works for me pretty well. When at a BBQ I don't make a fuss .... but mostly I do what works best for me at home. I tackle life as a journey and not a rigid set of rules. My energy levels go way low when I have made dumb choices and so I choose better and better over time... and have found myself getting healthier and healthier year after year instead of the reverse which seems to be the norm today in our western society. Obviously optimal health is not just about protein ratios, but this really is a big deal for many and worth considering.
About minerals. Minerals are abundant in plants; especially leafy greens. We are not good at collecting minerals through digestion because they are not supposed to be in short supply. We gather passively. A diet rich in plants will ensure no shortage of minerals and they would filter through and be assimilated. They are also available in the easiest form this way for assimilation. We do need our greens and plenty of them to reverse disease and maintain health. For those who hate eating greens try juicing them for a marked nutritional
boost... or add them to
water in a blender with a couple of bananas as a smoothie... it can be surprisingly tasty as you get used to it. Of interest is that spinach is 30% protein. Of
course, you need to eat a lot of spinach to get 30% of your diet as protein.... but it does help explain why the gorilla and elephant build and maintain those massive frames on a plant-based diet. They do eat an enormous amount of greens and with it all the protein required.
Here is an excellent video on the subject of protein. I borrowed Dr Tel Oren's title.....
There will be those who have a different take on this. No probs. I've been on the high protein road and seriously bought into it. I just ask you to consider an alternative. This matter is very close to my heart and the reason I write is that I hope to reach those who really don't know where to turn and need help. Poor health can make life miserable. There is a way to build back to a good life, and this includes all the dread diseases. Cancer after chemo is a lot more challenging because of all the organ damage... but not impossible. Cut - burn - or poison - [surgery/radiation/drugs] - are not the way back to health. That is why cancer after these methods returns. But there is a way that helps the body heal itself. You can beat that diagnosis. You can live out a healthy old-age and go when it is your time ... full of years and ready to go ... free of disease. Happens all the time in the primitive tribes.
Food really is the best medicine. The right food; and not too much protein.