Hi Robert; I have only built one
rmh, so i am no expert but... I'll try to give you some answers. Yes , if its to hot quit adding
wood. The whole idea is to burn fast and hot , get the heat into the mass then let the fire go out. Cover your
feed tube after it quits burning to hold your heat in the mass. Its awesome to find your mass still hot 12-20 hours later, and as long as there is still some heat, your next fire will be lit as fast as you can add paper and
kindling. As with any wood fire if it gets smoky inside its probably not good for you, but a properly working
rmh will draft so good that you
should not have any problems. A working
carbon monoxide detector as well as a fire detector is a really basic idea for anybody burning wood or coal or pellets in any kind of fire box. Next, as for the mass. Yes, you can use other things for your mass , but they will not hold the heat as long or as a good cobb and rock mass will, that will probably not be as much of a problem for you in Georgia as it is for us in the north country. One thing you can do is encase your mass with brick or after its cobbed or you can frame it in with wood (cedar is my choice) heck you could even sheet rock it. covering with a cushion is a common way to live with a rmh they make great day beds. Now your final question... The oil barrel in my living room!!! This is the biggest issue that most people have. As max said, there are many ways to deal with this. you can buy a stainless steel barrel (spendy) you can use a sheet of copper expanded metal and wrap around your barrel , you could stack brick ,with air gaps around it , You can
cob the whole barrel , although that seems to be not recommended. Your imagination is the only limit ! In my mind if you have a
wood stove , then you have a metal barrel or box in your living room already ! Hope this helps . Tom