Hey Maya,
Oh, a chicken tractor with bobcats around. Tell me about it sometime. I would love to give them a more natural life ie more like free range. I guess that is what you are trying to do. Sounds a step too far for me at the moment, but maybe in the future.
We are in a semi-arid region. Average 32 cm of rain. How do you get your water ? We will be getting hooked up to get agricultural grade water onto our property in July (hopefully). We've been holding off doing anything more than a small veg garden as, apart from saving rainwater, we've had to transport water in ourselves. My husband is digging a
swale too. So I'm planting tree seeds this year for shade, fodder, fruit, and a small amount of
wood for fire or woodcrafts. My last attempt failed miserably. This time I did a lot more research (and, you know, I think there is more information out there too) so I am cold stratifying, soaking, and scarifying my little heart out. Also covering the pot with plastic wrap keeps the moisture in. No matter how often you water the soil seems to dry out without it.. Much better results.... well we've got tree seedlings. I think i managed 1 last time i tried. Have you
heard about Moringa?
Had I realized that you can feed your chooks on farmed bugs and some
greens, I might have started with chooks instead of growies.
Keep me posted on the chicken tractor, Maya! I am a frequent flier as I travel back and forth between the UK, where I work for about 3 weeks in a run, and Spain where all the fun stuff is. I'd love to pick up our conversation on 1st May.
Let's catch up then !