The allotment gardens of Europe always interested me and I find it incredible that many have been farmed by the same person/family for decades. They have small sheds any will spend the whole day at their allotment cooking lunch and enjoying their time outside.
I'm thinking about offering raised beds for rent but with additional communal benefits. The beds would be 3'x12'x8" with the 12' running east-west, this would take about a
yard of material to fill. Between each bed on the long side would be a 3' path covered in
wood chips and on the short side would be a path 6' wide so a trailer and small
tractor could go down it (think delivering mulch or
compost). The north side of each bed would have
trellis for climbing plants.
As part of your yearly rental you would get access to tools,
water and included would be seeds/starts. A person
gardening at this scale doesn't need a whole pack of seeds unless it is something like lettuce. Seeds could be saved for the price of a little labor or bought in bulk at a significant savings. With a soil cube press and a small hoop house starts could also be created for very little cost, all of which raises the value to the person renting the plot for the beginning gardener. For the advanced gardener just having access to the soil cube press and seeds bought in bulk will be an advantage. Further I would entice an experienced gardener (either with $$ or a free plot) to help the beginners so everyone will have a high chance of success. Of
course you would have the option to get the same bed year after year.
Additionally those that rent plots would get a share of some
perennial items planted around the edges of the garden area, things like fruit
trees, rhubarb maybe some berries. Further there would be a flock of
chickens to consume any waste and there would be an option to get eggs every week. Also I'm thinking a small pavilion for shade with a couple of picnic tables, a grill and a washing station. The one problem I have to solve is bathroom facilities. Aside from a tree in the woods I could do a porta-john, but that creates a monthly expense. I doubt I can do an
outhouse due to the area I live and various departments of making you sad, maybe a composting toilet.
I'm wondering what I could get for rent for one of these plots? Considering the value adds (fruit, nuts, seeds/plants included, park like area to relax) I wonder if I could get $200/year? Maybe more? There are plenty of apartments withing 10 miles plus other rentals, so that is the group I am targeting. This is more than just a plot in a
city park, there is support provided to you and a sense of permanence.