It is time for my 2010
chicken pasture experiment...
The setting, an old llama pasture, with bentgrass, thistle, orchard grass, plantain, some leftover rapeseed. Deep silt loam soil, wet in winter, dry in summer. Maritime northwest US climate, and annoyingly cold due to frost pocket.
The preamble, Over the winter of 2009-10 I left the
chickens on 1/6 of the chicken pasture for a prolonged period, while cutting and adding pasture
hay from the rest of the pasture. The result was an area scratched free of green and covered with straw mixed with some chicken
poop. Since then the
chicken tractor has been wandering the rest of the pasture, and some grasses, thistle, and mustard have grown back.
The goals:
1. Site remains flat so that the chicken
tractor can return in the future.
2. At the end of the summer season the site is left with a bunch of chicken forage and understory of white clover.
3. The site is to produce a summer crop of storage food items. The candidates: winter squash/pumpkin, corn, amaranth, potatoes?
4. The crop is relatively resistant to
deer –
enough so that they could have an impact without taking it all (Based on their past preferences I think beans are out).
The proposed treatment:
1. Run chickens one last time to knock back regrowth, and add some more pasture cuttings.
2. Spread potatoes in widely spaced rows.
3. Rake mulch into windrows, one on potatoes, one between potato rows with nothing.
4. Sow spaces uncovered between windrows with buckwheat, amaranth, white clover, millet, etc… from the coop bulk bin.
5. Dump small piles of soil/compost down the middle of the empty windrow and alternate squash and corn seeded into piles - sow some transplants as backup