I've been baking on and off for nearly 40 years. I think I've made all the mistakes, often more than one at the same time.
I'm convinced that one of the problems with getting "bricks" is that the final rise happens at too low a temperature. If your house is too cold, the dough will just sit there. If you pop it into the
oven after a few hours because "it must be ready by now", you get a brick.
I've used tricks like putting the dough in a picnic cooler with a
hot water bottle to keep it warm.
Another option is a slightly warmed oven, although that loses heat too quickly. Some recent ovens come with a setting for proving bread.
I also use an Excalibur dehydrator, though its lowest temperature is 46ºC (115ºF), whereas the ideal temperature for raising bread is reputedly 25ºC (75ºF). That means I can't leave the dough in there too long, and must cover it with something to keep the surface from drying out.
Hope someone finds this useful.