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Ways to Treat Infections Without using Antibiotics ... What is yours?

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I treated my urinary tract infection quickly with crushed Corinander seeds and fresh cilantro as a tea in addition to copious amounts of organic cocnut water. 24 hours later pain and frequent urination were gone.
Dr Sharon Tilgner may also have suggestions for this thread?
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Re: Papa Smurf and his so-called collloidal silver use for acne/skin issues. There are many 'stories' and 'articles' about why he turned 'blue'.
From what I have read and understand, he wasn't making real colloidal silver using distilled water. He was making it using a salt-water starter thus making silver-salts.
The body has a really tough time to get rid of the silver salts - plus the body uses selenium (already a rare trace-mineral that many are short of) and results in all kinds of organ issues, including heart, liver and kidneys.
To make the matter worse, he drank quarts his 'bad silver' daily, plus put it directly on his skin to make himself turn blue (deliberately).
I don't disrespect him for his folly, but he did seem to revel in the Internet and Media attention to his 'blueness'

I have been using/making colloidal silver for skin rash and repeated ear/sinus infections for many years. I was a frequent blood donor  and The Red Cross found out I am missing a blood antigen, so am prone to certain types of infections- doctors didn't know or test for this. Several years after this 'discovery' I stumbled upon colloidal silver and now use it so I not have to depend on doctors/antibiotics for those issues.

I have two different generators: one from The Silver Edge - my main unit - which seems to make a very consistent 1 litre batch at a time - and I am still on the original rods, plus one from Atlas Nova that runs from a single 9-volt battery that I can also power from a small 9-12 volt solar panel (as it only draws micro-amps to make a nice small 8 oz batch) for prepping/disaster/power-outage use. Both units take 3 1/2 to 4 hours to make a batch and have proven reliable. Remember, use only Distilled Water only!!!

As far as antivirals/antibiotics, it is only 1 item of many in my medicine cabinet (as everyone and every instance is different).
Plain old soap and water, essential oils, garlic, make sure you stay hydrated with 'water' (not coffee/pop), Aloe Vera. Witch Hazel, rubbing alcohol, iodine, etc. are just just a few items.

Example, sore throat - remember the salt-water gargle? Gargling with colloidal silver seems to work as well and is ok if you swallow some by accident. Also works for sore gums, canker sores and other mouth issues.

Example, pink-eye - a couple of drops of colloidal silver - 5-15 parts per million) plus some regular eye-drops (Systane or something similar) to keep the eye lubricated and flush out 'crud' worked much better for me than the 'drops' the doctors had me use (over a week and not much better). I have had it 3 times now, the first was a visit to doctors and their antibiotic drops and over a week and second for a different set of drops. The second time it occurred a year or so alter, I did a doctor's visit and confirmed it was the same problem - but didn't fill the prescription - I used colloidal silver and for me it worked overnight! Same with a third case (I suspect it was from co-workers in the office and their handling of office supplies/coffee cups/etc.) The last time, one of my eyes was sore/gritty and I suspected the same issue, and it was gone overnight with the colloidal silver. My son got some 'grit' in his eye and scratched his lense - many specialist appointments and infections and even a couple of eye-surgeries later, he ended using colloidal silver in addition to the prescriptions because the infections were not stopping - all seems well now after 6 months.

Example: Ear-Ache/Sinus - Colloidal drops in the sore ear (5-15 minutes) several times a day can help clear it up without 'drugs'.
Sinus Flush also for sinus/inner ear issues, (NealMed salt/soda packets, and/or pre-mixed NeilMed spray with AloeVera and/or Eucalyptus seems to work well for me as well).
Seems every time I saw a doctor for sinus/ear issues, they prescribed the newest/latest/greatest medication and I had to stop taking them because of the side effects (two years ago). I ended going back to the Colloidal Silver drops/sinus flush to clear it up in a few days.

Example: Skin Rash/Dry Skin/Cracked hands/feet: While I was an auto-mechanic, I developed a skin rash on my hands/arms - saw several doctors, several creams/antibiotics/steroids later I finally found one doctor who figured it it out. I was reacting to the continuous use of 'cream style hand cleaners' that our shop used that used Kerosine as one of the solvents. He and other surgeons used this because of dry skin resulting from having to repeatedly 'scrub-up' for surgeries. His suggestion - was vegetable oil (olive oil, etc.) and regular table sugar (works like a dream and is really cheap). The sugar doesn't dissolve in oil and acts like a coarse grit and helps get the 'dirt' out and oil into the trouble areas (no It didn't sting). I tell anyone I know who has rough/dry/hands about this - (bleeding knuckles/cracks on the fingertips, etc.). Word to the wise, it makes an oily mess in the sink. Ingredients: A teaspoon of oil,  1/8 teaspoon of sugar (or so), A bar of pure soap (example Ivory - no additives or perfumes). Instructions:  First know if you can turn on your hot-water tap with oily hands (you may want to start the hot water running first) - you want hot water, but not burning hot for the rinse and soap-down. Put the oil and sugar in the palm of your hand (order doesn't matter - oil first or sugar first). Next pretend the oil and sugar are soap/water and thoroughly rub/scrub the mixture over your hands/fingers/back of hands, paying particular attention to the trouble areas - dry/cracks/cuticles/hang-nails,under the nails. Next wash/rinse the oil/sugar mix off your hands with plain hot water as best you can and shake off the majority of the water(leaving your hands oily/wet). Next comes some soapy magic - using a DRY bar of soap, soap down your hands, also paying attention to dry/cracked areas - including nails and cuticles - you will find the soap will lather up quite a bit and remove quite a bit of the oil from the surface. Rinse off the oil and repeat if you think there is too much oil left on your hands/skin. Everyone I I have shown this to has remarked how smooth, soft and refreshed their skin feels after this 'treatment'. You can use this 2 or three times day (when your skin feels dry) as necessary. For me, 2 or 3 times and it clears up nicely, (until I have have oil/gas on my hands again). It sure works for me, and no more doctors visits for expensive prescription creams/lotions that don't seem to work - Yay!

My stories and experiences and I am sticking to them and I am no doctor.
I just wish I could find a Canadian Health Care Provider who includes Integrative and/or Functional practices. Western MD's (read as Medical/Medicne Doctors) don't seem know about Health Care, just diseases.
When was the last time your doctor asked about your diet, sleep and stress issues and suggested changes first (but would you even listen)?
I believe the key is to find a 'Trusted Health Care Practioner'. Trust must be earned, not assumed.

Best wishes for everyone's future endeavours.

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I just watched Dr. Patrick Jones on Marjory Wildcraft's  Medicine Summit, he spoke about his 10 favorite herbs for powerful medicinals.  It was very encouraging, and he simplified what can be overwhelming at times. A simple way to begin, maybe. Comfrey, calendula, echinacea, mallow, and one I just saw at my sister's, a snowball plant!  So pretty this spring, my first visit to her place in Tennessee, and found out it is called cramp bark, and wonderful for all kinds of muscle relaxing, an antispamodic.  As soon as I got home, I researched when and how to harvest and use the bark, so cool, had to be God's timing! We sat rocking, enjoying the beauty, not knowing the stacked value, and I see Dr. Jones talking about it just days later.  

And of course, cayenne, dandelion, plantain (the weed, he said, not the banana type we see in stores!) and yarrow, some that have been mentioned.  Dr Jones started and finished saying there are probably about 80 of his favorite, and it was a struggle to choose : )  So much abundance, I am so thankful for my daily tea, elderberry, mostly, but holy basil, licorice root, and a blend of other goodness. Some hibiscus added too. All good for building your immune system.  

Thanks for letting me chatter, I rarely have caffeine, and seem to be winding up for a long night.  Wishes for all to be enjoying the bounty of creation, 'night.
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Something that hasn't been mentioned.... Please don't kill the messenger as this is sometimes controversial but fresh urine also does wonders for many things.
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Stacy Witscher wrote:One of my biggest concerns is getting things for the dogs handled while treating the family. Topical salves don't work well for the dogs as they just lick everything off quickly. I'm upping their baths, unfortunately one of my dogs hates water. I am hoping to find some kind of topical spray for in between baths, something that is light enough that they won't try to lick it. The pit bulls are prone to furuncles, which them become infected with MRSA. The chihuahua has terrible skin problems, I'm pretty sure she was the original cause of the MRSA, the vet kept putting her on meds. So, anyway, I'm looking for an integrated approach.

My infections aren't large, there are just a lot of them, a couple dozen on my arms, a few on my chest, and now a couple on my thighs. And the crusty nose so common with MRSA. I've been dealing with these skin infection for years, but never knew what they were, just got a diagnosis, previous doctor's just told me I was crazy.

I have cured a dog who had a big skin infection, like the skin was pulled up like pieces of leather i had to cut with scisors and remove the pus... with onion juice! I had a hard time juicing in the juicer.... my poor eyes! And though considred as toxic for dogs, I poured some down her throat and she absolutely survived! No antibiotics.

Onion is anti staph.
Xisca Nicolas
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Jackie Frobese wrote:I know most of this thread is focused around MRSA, I wanted to share my experience with a different sort of infection.

A few years back I picked up conjunctivitis (pink eye) from my nephew. I didn’t and still don’t have insurance, and I prefer not to use antibiotics so I did a quick internet search. I ended up doing eye drops of raw cows milk from a local organic farm. I did a drop in each eye about every few hours the first day then only about 4 times the second day. By the third day I was back to normal. I’ve had this work for strep infections in the throat as well taking a sip of the milk every hour or two the first day.  

You can also use aloe vera in the eyes.
I did it after rceiving a branch in the eye, it was red and crying all the time. 1 application and the next day I was as normal!

In south america, they use physalis fruits for eyes infections, it is acid and also secure as a one time use product: take a new fruit each time and put the drop from the fruit, it is sterile and curing infections.
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Phil Tkachuk wrote:

I have two different generators: one from The Silver Edge - my main unit - which seems to make a very consistent 1 litre batch at a time - and I am still on the original rods, plus one from Atlas Nova that runs from a single 9-volt battery that I can also power from a small 9-12 volt solar panel (as it only draws micro-amps to make a nice small 8 oz batch) for prepping/disaster/power-outage use. Both units take 3 1/2 to 4 hours to make a batch and have proven reliable. Remember, use only Distilled Water only!!!


Phil - I am wondering what the color is of the colloidal silver you are making with The Silver Edge? Thanks.
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My solution for ent/respiratory infections is earth rather than herbal. We have a nebulizer that was originally used for pharmaceutical inhalants; I now use it with plain saline. You can buy it in ampules online or make it yourself. I sit and read for around 20 minutes while breathing saline mist through a mask (so I can alternate mouth/nose breathing). Within a few days of such treatment, any infection seems to go away. Mind you, I start using the saline at the first sign of a cold, so things don't progress to the bacterial stage, but it worked on the green stuff too. Amazing how inhaling water and earth can soothe membranes that interface with atmosphere. It helps with allergies, too, and with smoke from wildfires. If HMO's would just give everyone one of these machines they could avoid a lot of escalated treatment. I had decades of cold/sinus/lung infections, treated with antibiotics, before I figured this out for myself. Earth heals!
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Ruth, welcome to permies.

Thank you for sharing about the nebulizer.  Would one of the electric handheld unit be effective?  Which would be better, one with the mask or one with the inhaler?  Or it just a personal preference?

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Richard Kastanie wrote:Stephen Buhner's book "Herbal Antibiotics" is a very useful resource.

This book is excellent!
Herbal Antibiotics, 2nd Edition: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-resistant Bacteria

With antibiotic-resistant infections on the rise, herbal remedies present a naturally effective alternative to standard antibiotics. Herbal expert Stephen Harrod Buhner explains the roots of antibiotic resistance, explores the value of herbal treatments, and provides in-depth profiles of 30 valuable plants, noting the proper dosages, potential side effects, and contraindications of each.

He also covers ratios and doses for tinctures, etc of many more than the 'thirty valuable' plants and information broader than just 'drug resistant' bacteria...it has more applicable information to common and less persistent infections than I expected.

...and exact instructions for how to make tinctures, decoctions, infusions and all.
Anne Miller
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I agree this is an excellent book: Stephen Buhner's book "Herbal Antibiotics"

The quotes in my "signature" are from that book.  Unfortunately, I would have to read the book again to find them.
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Hi Annie,

Regarding grapefruit seed extract (GSE): There are some issues surrounding it. Many of the products sold have been found to have additional chemicals in the extract. Researchers found methyl-p-hydroxybenzoate and tricolsan in the first product on the market that they tested. They compared it to a alcohol extract they themselves made of grapefruit seed and found their extract had neither of these chemicals. Another study followed this one. These researchers compared an extract they made with 6 commercially made extracts, and found that five of the commercial extracts had significant antimicrobial activities, all of which contained the preservative benzethonium chloride. Three of these same extracts were also found to contain the preservatives triclosan and methyl parabene. The researchers found that only one of the commercial GSE tested had no preserving agent, but that this extract as well as the extract they made had no antimicrobial activity. The researchers concluded that the antimicrobial activity being attributed to GSE was due to the synthetic preservative agents contained in them and not the grapefruit seed. In 2001 a researcher found the grapefruit seed extracts could contain as much as 8% benzethonium chloride. (This is from a 2011 blog I wrote about the grapefruit seed extract issue and that data can be found here: https://dreamingabeautifulworld.blogspot.com/2011/02/dangers-of-grapefruit-seed-extract.html
As far as I know, this issue continues today even though this research has been known about since 1999. I am not sure why more people don't know about this. I keep telling folks, hopefully you will too.
Sharol Tilgner
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Thanks for mentioning salt water Ruth! We as a society take salt and water for granted. Many of us don't realize how powerful it is. I often find people skip my suggestions of using saline solutions for respiratory tract infections, but use herbs or supplements I suggest as they think they are stronger and will work better than "plain old water and salt". However, I find salt water is amazing. Research supports its use in respiratory tract infections/irritation also. It decreases inflammation and edema, supporting normal tissue activity, saline solutions can even make it inhospitable for some microbes. Ultimately, the tissues are in better shape and can take over and protect and heal themselves.
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The best way to treat infections is Garlic. Take a look to this blog too https://www.plantfont.com/blog/garlic-main-ally-against-infections/
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I still reach for warm oil and a clove of garlic when confronted with an ear ache.  

Are there particular steps you take when using garlic yourself?
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Here is a new antibiotic treatment being developed for resistant bacteria MSRA etc. Not sure what is involved in making it, but maybe one day it could be something you could make at home https://www.qut.edu.au/news?news-id=139188
Anne Miller
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Richard Kastanie wrote:Stephen Buhner's book "Herbal Antibiotics" is a very useful resource.

This is one of my favorite books.  The quotes in my Signature Line came from his book.  I was reading his book and those two lines stood out.  They were on different pages and probably in different chapters.  I like them so much that I wrote them down so I could remember them.
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In addition to honey, lots of people use bee propolis and wax (and the derived products) to treat and prevent mild surface infections. In fact, this medicinal value is reason enough for me to want honeybees around
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Maureeno Waters wrote:How can I get relief from back pain without using any kind of medicines?

I've had good results from chiropractors, if the pain is related to the spine.
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James, yes! Chiropractic is awesome!

Maureeno Waters wrote:How can I get relief from back pain without using any kind of medicines?

Maureen. take a wander through these threads. Something in there may be of help, if a chiropractor is not feasible for you.



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I have a genetic immune system disorder and I have found camphor and eucalyptus to be the best herbal antibiotics out there. They are found in Vick’s Vaporub or Noxema skin cream (original style) if you don’t want to make your own. They are rubbed on the skin and soak through to reach therapeutic levels in the bloodstream. Vick’s outperformed Cipro, I think it was, in a landmark conventional medical center research study at treating staph and also killed the common cold and flu and fungus at blood concentrations that would be achieved by rubbing it on the chest the way our grandparents used to. The study was not published in journals because camphor and eucalyptus are not patentable so the authors concluded the study was of no value until they could isolate the active ingredients in the herbs. How sad. For eyes, boric acid eyewash is the best. Homemade cranberry juice or tea for bladder infections. Careful of commercial cranberry juice. It frequently has added grape juice which is horribly hard on the bladder and kidneys. You don’t hear about these remedies online because they are not clickbait like oregano oil, etc. EVERY plant is somewhat amtimicrobial. Has to be to survive. That doesn’t mean I would use it to treat a serious infection the way I would use camphor and eucalyptus and cranberries for bladder infections. Vick’s also is a potent vasodilator and was shown in this same study to rival pharmaceutical company inhalers. I had COPD from chronic pneumonia so bad my oxygen says were dropping down to 70 percent and I was passing out. I got rid of it by singing and throwing away my inhalers and using Vick’s. I was reacting badly to the propellants in the inhalers and I was also getting horrible rebound from them and high blood pressure. The steroid inhalers caused fungus to grow in my lungs. Vicks works way better for me. Careful of eucalyptus, though, some people may be allergic.
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Forest Viridiana wrote:I have a genetic immune system disorder and I have found camphor and eucalyptus to be the best herbal antibiotics out there.

So How would you use them? Steeped in oil, tincture, or in some other way?
Joy Oasis
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Thanks to Stephen Buhner book, I am growing Bidens pilosa. I add it to my green juices, but I am also making tincture and drying some for tea. Taste is quite neutral, and it grows well, very well as it is a weed. It looks cute too -white daisy like flowers.
Forest Viridiana
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Joy Oasis wrote:

Forest Viridiana wrote:I have a genetic immune system disorder and I have found camphor and eucalyptus to be the best herbal antibiotics out there.

So How would you use them? Steeped in oil, tincture, or in some other way?

Joy, either way would work. Just be sure to use it only externally and avoid open skin wounds and mucus membranes and eyes.  It absorbs readily into the bloodstream. Rub the prepared oil or tincture near wherever the problem is. If it’s an abscess, rub it into the skin surrounding the area of the abscess. If it’s a sore throat, rub it on your throat. DON’T do the Facebook thing and rub it on your feet! Feet have tough skin to prevent stuff from soaking into the bloodstream, and the you want it in close proximity to the infection!
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No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no you're all wrong! Propolis dissolved in alcohol is the best!!! (Joke)

i do use it every week. Why? Because it leaves a protective waxy layer on the wound sealing it off from outside while killing every evil bacterium/virus cell in the wound or hurt under it, while your white bloodcells simultaneously  help and your body repairs at full speed.
What is proplolis, it's a herbal bees wax, made by bees to keep the hive save from all infections, both biral and bacterial. Bees go everywhere and bring back lots of microbes and virusses that could infect the hive so they have it at the entrance and seal all holes with it. It's a mix of disinfecting/antiviral local herbs. Since MSRA is everywhere now , bees will have to defend the hive against it, I've treated  some nasty cuts from jigsaw with propolis, and any infection is gone in a night.

Because it's a mixed bag of herbs the bees go out and collect every thinkable herb, there usually is one that works the evil bug/virus that is causing the infection.
Get your hands on some local propolis and dissolve it in strong alcohol, use whatever your personal favorite is and seal the infection with propolis. Apply with a dripper and blow until the alcohol is gone and you can add layer upon layer and it's flexible.
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well this is a long thread so most of what i would add, has already been mentioned, but i will add a second or third vote for -

Oregano oil (externally, or HIGHLY diluted in base oil /olive oil for internal use)
colloidial silver (use very very sparingly)
GSE - grapefruit seed extract (internally or externally)
tea tree oil, also diluted (externally)
berberis (oregon grape root/leaf or other sources of berberine)

and would add -

spilanthes - anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti viral - and bonus, numbs when chewed/or in tincture
Usnea- aka old man's beard - a lichen with natural anti biotic properties. good natural wound covering, natural gauze pad, natural menstrual pad, and also can be ingested. tincturing usnea is no use, because the medicine doesnt dissolve into a tincture until it's heated up and thats sketchy. but small amounts can be eaten raw, make a tea for more subtle benefits.
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I had a raging gum infection I cured with 4-6x a day rinses with maximum strength table salt solution.  Not sure if the iodine had anything to do with it.  

Cured ringworm years ago with straight applications of household bleach.  Not rure if that was any better for me than antifungals, but it did work.

Anyone have anything preventative for herpes? The kids both play sports and there have been outbreaks in year's past.
Sharol Tilgner
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Hello Gray,

Herpes simplex is off the subject for this post as you are asking about a viral infection and this is a post about antibacterial activity. However, I don't want to leave you hanging here. For people in low selenium areas (lack of selenium in soil) they are usually low in selenium and selenium is necessary to keep herpes at bay. (some areas are high in selenium) For people who are having continual outbreaks that are low in selenium they usually need 200 micrograms per day.  I don't usually give people more than 400 micrograms and only when necessary.  Adequate zinc level is also helpful. Lysine also helps. Herpes simplex feeds on arginine and if someone eats high arginine foods such as chocolate or nuts etc. it will sometimes cause outbreaks. Taking Lysine to counter the arginine (both are amino acids and arginine feeds herpes while lysine will slow them down) will help. For people who note arginine rich foods causing outbreaks, they simply take 2000 mg (or amount found to work - differs in people and how much arginine they are eating) with the food and it keeps the outbreak from happening (in conjunction with having adequate selenium). For actual outbreaks I have folks use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide at the beginning of an outbreak. I have them use it at the beginning sensations of tingling or itching that comes up and it often keeps the outbreak from taking place. It can be used to shorten a skin outbreak that has already taken place also. Be careful as too concentrated of hydrogen peroxide can cause skin irritation and burning itself. Zinc is used with success too as are all sorts of essential oils and most of them help to some degree.  I find hydrogen peroxide works better topically than most anything else that has been used on the sores, however every once in a while someone likes the topical zinc better and I assume they have inadequate levels and this is why it works best for them.

If someone does these things, has good nutrition over all  and still has outbreaks, I start looking for environmental toxins or other reasons for the person's immune system to be behaving inadequately. What other stressors of a physical/mental/emotional type is the person dealing with.
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Hi does anybody knows if collidal silver has interaction on dental braces? I am planning to nebulize colloidal silver but I have dental braces, will
It cause a reaction? Thank you
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We have used Usnea as an antibiotic for years.  It grows all around me and is known to prevent infections and cure gangrene too.
It is a powerful antibiotic.  I am not a doctor so cannot recommend its use these days...
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