Nicanor Garza wrote:this may seem like a crazy idea because some of us have had a bad experience with hornets when they get to close to the nest(some varieties can get more pissed off than others) and these guys tend to nest in hollow logs empty wine barrels or underground cavities.
So I have come up with an Idea to make hornet hotels to be placed in secluded spot in my yard, I may be crazy if this works but this is merely experimental.
two terracotta pots equal this.
Peter Ellis wrote:Certainly there are reasons to have wasps or hornets around. Many of them are effective predators and helpful in that way. I would not worry about unglazed terracotta being too smooth. It might not be suited to some species, but others are likely to be fine with it.
Personally, I would tend toward not inviting them to live on my property - but I have allergy concerns.
Nicanor Garza wrote:As we do not have hollow logs here that would be more arable perhaps I could attach pvc piping from the bottom and have it act as a circulation chimney above the pot.
I have also thought of using the clay pipes as seen in the pic placing a circular wood disc with a small hole in it.
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