I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
Steve Farmer wrote:A 6 mth old tree will most likely not make it thru the dry period with no irrigation. But it can make it thru with very little irrigation. I have got 1 and 2 yr old trees thru our 6-9 mth dry season with 2 litres per tree twice a week.
My stuff is in full sun.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
An important distinction: Permaculture is not the same kind of gardening as organic gardening.
Mediterranean climate hugel trenches, fabuluous clay soil high in nutrients, self-watering containers with hugel layers, keyhole composting with low hugel raised beds, thick Back to Eden Wood chips mulch (distinguished from Bark chips), using as many native plants as possible....all drought tolerant.
My Food Forest - Mile elevation. Zone 6a. Southern Idaho <--I moved in year two...unfinished...probably has cattle on it.
Craig Overend wrote:Ollas and bottles are great but are not easy to regulate the flow so may need regular manual filling and the alternative in very slow gravity drip systems usually block.
I've been meaning to try the flow adjustable hose clamp around wicking rope idea for Efficient Irrigation Systems by David Bainbridge. There's also a paper. He had a website too but I can no longer find it. He also used a deep wick in order to wick subsoil moisture UP to plant roots. Also, if you do plant, decompact and aerate the subsoil as deep as possible in order to help the plant send roots down deep to any water there, I'm thinking post hole digger. Also, If you have it, put any organic material down as ground cover to keep moisture in the surface soil, and shape the soil around the plant to collect any run off.
It may not be applicable for you, however an improved wick/drip system I plan on trying is one that harvests rain in a container with concave lid with center hole and then wick irrigates with any harvested rain in-between showers, thereby reducing or eliminating manual filling. A test I did showed a single pin prick drip on bare soil wicked about the diameter of my extended thumb and index finger in my hard packed clay soil, it may be less in sandy soil, so keep the wick, bottle or Ollas close if you go that route. When I do my trial over our summer I'm also considering a loop or helix wrap of the wick rope around the root system about 6" or 150mm in diameter to ensure coverage of the root zone.
Another technique I'd like to explore is fog/atmospheric moisture harvesting using fine stainless tubular mesh windbreaks for young plants that double as water harvesters or permanently as a structure for companion plants to climb. A study I read about optimum atmospheric moisture harvesting gave me the idea.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
Dillon Nichols wrote:A couple thoughts:
-Your trees might benefit from rockpiles or other condensation collection mechanisms, since you mention fog.
-If possible you might consider starting at the top of the slope, as that way successful trees will be better able to self replicate downhill over time.
-Carrying water by hand sucks. What about a backpack? I assumed someone would be selling a flexible water container built into a pack, like a camelbak but scaled up, but I don't see such a thing at a glance. I suppose the DIY version would be a bunch of milk-jugs in a hiking pack... or maybe something like this bucket-pack... http://five-gallon-pack.myshopify.com/collections/all
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
Cristo Balete wrote:Lori, what kind of soil is on this hill? what is the slope of the hill? What direction is it facing? How windy is it if the fog is not in? Do you have a big source of mowed grass for mulch so you can get it really thick around these trees?
There probably ought to be two ola watering jugs per tree.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
Joshua Parke wrote:Another technique to perhaps put in to practice is to......line your tree holes with cardboard, wet it down.....and of course put thick mulch around the tree after it's planted. This is a technique that I learned of from Geoff Lawton in one of his videos. He did this in his site in the Jordan valley I believe it was. And of course he was using drip irrigation...but I would almost wager that the rainfall there, is significantly less than the rainfall you receive in your area. He said that he only lost two trees.....one of them, the dripper clogged, and the other was....the people in the area wanting to see what would happen if they didn't use mulch.....so he did one tree without mulch, just so everyone could learn first hand.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
An important distinction: Permaculture is not the same kind of gardening as organic gardening.
Mediterranean climate hugel trenches, fabuluous clay soil high in nutrients, self-watering containers with hugel layers, keyhole composting with low hugel raised beds, thick Back to Eden Wood chips mulch (distinguished from Bark chips), using as many native plants as possible....all drought tolerant.
Blake Wheeler wrote:Just gonna throw this out there, mulching with cardboard may be a bad idea. Sure, it helps eliminate evaporative loss, but cardboard takes PLENTY of water to saturate. Not a big deal in an area that gets plenty of rainfall, but in areas where it has a chance to dry out it may cause a problem. The now dry cardboard will just sheet off any any water that hits it, and given its on a slope just means it's going to send it downhill, instead of at the trees roots.
Young trees need irrigation to establish, simple really. If already established, mature trees with mature root systems are dying or stressed a new transplant doesn't stand a chance. If you're set on this idea, and you have to be discrete get ready to pack plenty of water back and forth, the sheer act of which won't stay discrete for long.
Definitely DO NOT plant the tree in a tin can. It'll rust, just nowhere near fast enough, especially in sandy, well-draining soil during a drought.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
Cristo Balete wrote:Lori, so sandy, salty soil, salty ocean wind, the homeless....what you are talking about planting will take years to mature. Is that what you want? Most things don't like salty winds, and are very slow. You don't want to attract attention, but green stuff will when everywhere else it's dying back.
I've found cardboard to be a total backfire where it doesn't rain in the summer. and fall The cardboard curls up, wind gets underneath it, it sucks up all the water and then dries out, the soil gets nothing.'
Is this where the sand occasionally drifts onto the roadway? That's how sandy it is?
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
An important distinction: Permaculture is not the same kind of gardening as organic gardening.
Mediterranean climate hugel trenches, fabuluous clay soil high in nutrients, self-watering containers with hugel layers, keyhole composting with low hugel raised beds, thick Back to Eden Wood chips mulch (distinguished from Bark chips), using as many native plants as possible....all drought tolerant.
An important distinction: Permaculture is not the same kind of gardening as organic gardening.
Mediterranean climate hugel trenches, fabuluous clay soil high in nutrients, self-watering containers with hugel layers, keyhole composting with low hugel raised beds, thick Back to Eden Wood chips mulch (distinguished from Bark chips), using as many native plants as possible....all drought tolerant.
Come join me at www.peacockorchard.com
Cristo Balete wrote:I don't know how much money you want to put into this, but since those cypress trees have found water that isn't too salty, you might try a Zone 10 white eating grape (not a wine grape). They are tough, and when helped with your watering and a lot of mulch they can go down and find that water the cypress are in.
You might try a Sharpblue blueberry (southern highbush) that works in Zone 10, with amended soil.
Both of these are low profile, the grape is deciduous and shouldn't attract too much attention.
Ribes speciosum, Fuchsia Flowered Gooseberry grows well in sand
For the short term, for fun, a couple of tomatoes and some squash? I think pumpkins are too noticeable, and you don't want kids on Saturday night throwing them at passing cars.
To bring in beneficial insects you might try some of the flowering natives, Gold Coin Achillea filipendulina, yarrow (which I am collecting seeds from now in June, so the roadside ones might have seeds) catnip (not a native, but it's really good) Maybe if you stick to just yellow natives there won't be a noticeable riot of color on the hillside.
You might also look into harvesting fog as a water source. Don't believe everything you read about it. It takes the wet, drippy fog to work, which doesn't happen every day. But if you have an old tarp that is dark brown, a plastic-type surface that the fog will condense on and drip off of, painted wood, (plastic bags don't last long in the sun) something dirt colored held down on the soil above the plant, the fog turns into water and drips.
You might try this in your own yard, where you can put a bigger dark brown tarp on the ground, slightly slanted, or if upright, make sure the tarp is at a slight angle, not completely vertical so as the fog drips straight down it will touch the tarp rather than drop parallel to it. A piece of patio plastic roofing does it, too. If you want to buy one, only buy the clear stuff. The other colors block out too much light. You can use it for lots of things, windbreaks, etc.
If you want to see how much water you can collect, put a piece of gutter along the lowest edge of the tarp of plastic and run it into a plastic container. I had a car canopy with a 20x16 tarp over it, tent style with two gutters on the 20-foot sides, and collected a gallon in one night of really wet fog.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
Check out Redhawk's soil series: https://permies.com/wiki/redhawk-soil
John Saltveit wrote:I would definitely think about autumn olive Eleagnus umbeliffera I think. It is quite drought tolerant, produces yummy and highly nutritious berries, and most people won't know what it is, which is highly desirable in a guerrila garden. In addition, it is not invasive at all in dry summer climates. It will fix nitrogen for your other plants. Once you have started to establish nitrogen fixing and other plants, like autumn olive, the soil will dry up less. Rosemary and winter savory would be good ideas too. Like you said, plant in November and hope they establish by summer.
John S
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
An important distinction: Permaculture is not the same kind of gardening as organic gardening.
Mediterranean climate hugel trenches, fabuluous clay soil high in nutrients, self-watering containers with hugel layers, keyhole composting with low hugel raised beds, thick Back to Eden Wood chips mulch (distinguished from Bark chips), using as many native plants as possible....all drought tolerant.
John Saltveit wrote:Rosemary and winter savory would be good ideas too. Like you said, plant in November and hope they establish by summer.
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
Cristo Balete wrote:Very nice little garden.
I see you are more in town than I pictured. Looks like there's lots of foot traffic and probably bike traffic coming down that hill onto the street. One thing that's going to happen, I hate to say, there are City street crews who know that area like the back of their hands, and when they see what you are doing they are probably not going to let that triangular section between the two pathways stay. The pinecones make a nice edge, and it looks a little like a memorial for someone, which maybe is why no one is messing with it. But if you build it up with non-native plants, it runs the risk of being something pedestrians and bicyclists could crash into, or trip on the pinecones, then the City would be liable for any injuries. You would faint straight away if you saw the paperwork it takes to plant one plant on a City street, even without a drought.
Is the green grass up on the top of the hill being watered? That might be gathering somewhat around the bases of the cypress trees, and could help support drought-tolerant herbs.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
Dan Boone wrote:
John Saltveit wrote:Rosemary and winter savory would be good ideas too. Like you said, plant in November and hope they establish by summer.
Rosemary roots easily from cuttings in a glass on your windowsill -- just cut it into 4-to-6 inch chunks and keep the bottom half in water. Once you see substantial root development, plant them in soil. You can get up to 20 or so plants from a generous $2.00 bunch of rosemary at your supermarket or farmers market. I'm told that in climates where they overwinter easily, they can become substantial drought-tolerant bushes. Sadly in my climate they are very iffy about surviving the winter; I am still working on a microclimate that will make one ridiculously happy.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
Check out Redhawk's soil series: https://permies.com/wiki/redhawk-soil
An important distinction: Permaculture is not the same kind of gardening as organic gardening.
Mediterranean climate hugel trenches, fabuluous clay soil high in nutrients, self-watering containers with hugel layers, keyhole composting with low hugel raised beds, thick Back to Eden Wood chips mulch (distinguished from Bark chips), using as many native plants as possible....all drought tolerant.
Cristo Balete wrote:Lori, yeah, it may seem ignored, but legally it belongs to some agency that has the obligation to keep it free and clear of unexpected tripping hazards. Those paths show it's a heavily traversed area. People in a city aren't expecting 30 pine cones where they are used to walking, or on crutches, or biking, or disembarking from parked cars, sometimes with little kids running around, and in the dark it becomes something really unexpected.
That's why up the hillside, closer to those trees your plants would be out of the way, but still noticeable, and whatever you plant up there stands a chance of staying.
A really good message to everyone who passes by, and the agency that owns that land, would be a great display of natives that adapt to the current difficult conditions.
No, gooseberries are not illegal! They make great pie. Some of them have foliage that smells like sandalwood and citrus. Not sure what kind of native plant you are thinking is illegal?
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Bryant RedHawk wrote:Lori, very nice garden there. One way to use cardboard that I noticed no one mentioned is to literally plant it vertically, this creates a wall for holding water back when done in a drier area and works pretty well in sandy soil like you have there.
You might be able to do a line below your garden or do a couple to three above the garden on the slope, the above the garden method will create mini water plumes that will feed the garden from above.
If you did one below the garden it would act more like a dam and hold water for the garden at least until the sand below sucked it all away. I would go for the above the garden type since any water collected by the cardboard would stick around longer.
I notice that the sand has covered the sidewalk that is there, so as a public service, if you swept that sand back off the sidewalk and put in a cardboard barrier to help keep the sidewalk clearer of sand, you probably would not receive any reprimands from the city.
That "barrier" could go deep and provide a dam effect below the garden. If the city did say anything, cardboard is biodegradable and usually crushes underfoot easily so it is not as much a hazard as concrete.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Well, along with the thrills, the dangers of guerrilla gardening are many and varied
An important distinction: Permaculture is not the same kind of gardening as organic gardening.
Mediterranean climate hugel trenches, fabuluous clay soil high in nutrients, self-watering containers with hugel layers, keyhole composting with low hugel raised beds, thick Back to Eden Wood chips mulch (distinguished from Bark chips), using as many native plants as possible....all drought tolerant.
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