Bryant RedHawk wrote:The best mineral additive I have found is called Sea-90 available from or from one of their distributors in your area. This stuff is amazing, 90+ minerals from seawater, doesn't take much, about half a cup per tree once a year for three years and fantastic results. You can even use this stuff as a seasoning since it is a very complete sea salt. I was dumbfounded at first, but through experimentation I have become a fan of this stuff. I did a lot of research into it prior to starting use and the science is sound for using sea salts as a mineral additive.
I have to agree with Bryant about Sea-90. In fact the results from using Sea-90 is what completely convinced me to abandon "factory farm methods". I try to manage the production and bailing of all the
hay that my mother needs for an 80 head
dairy operation. I also have a day job which makes the hay job very challenging on my family and I. ANYWAY - The first year (2014) I did folar feeding by dissolving Sea-90 and spraying it at 8 pounds per acer. Due to some use of other "yield boosting" stunts I could not say that the sea mineral increased hay yield any. The surprising results came when we started feeding the hay to the
milk cows.
To put this in context I want to stress that my mother and 2 of her sisters started in the dairy business in 1952, 1977, and 1978 respectively. All three farms struggled at getting near the minimum butterfat and protein requirements to receive added bonus prices for their milk. Every thing was tried from selective artificial
cattle breeding (AI) and manipulating the
feed. Nothing worked consistently nor for very long. Somatic Cell Count (SCC) in the milk is an indication of heard health. High SCC used to be a constant worry for my mother's operation. Within 72 hours of feeding the sea mineral treated hay, milk tank test for butterfat and protein met minimum requirements for the bonus checks and far exceeded those requirements for over 120 days in a row. SCC numbers dropped dramatically. Losses due to heard health issues were cut to near zero which alone covered the cost charged to the SEA-90 experiment. All of those stats returned to status quote when the cows went of hay to pasture grass not treated with sea mineral. the pastures are the jurisdiction of my sister and brother-in-law who still insist on commercial fertilizer and weed spray.
For 2015 my mother and I agreed to up the usage of SEA-90 to dry broadcasting 50 pound per acer which was started in December 2014. After watching a few
Geoff Lawton videos we decided to forgo commercial weed spray and fertilizers on all the areas that I manage. We also included pasture and hay field aeration which also contributed to our success this year. That is something that has not been done on my areas ever. Keep in mind that 2014 hay production results were very good. So far 2015 results are essentially double over 2014. The family and I are besides ourselves, my mother giggles every time I call in results, the hay hauling crew is stunned, and the
local critics are shuddering. This includes my know-it-all sister, my know-it-all brother-in-law, and my uncle the veterinary who basically called me a "Kook" for even considering this in 2014. Trust me on this, shutting those people up is almost as remarkable as the hay production results!
Bryant is right. Sea-90 is something you want to try.
Since we are both in NE OK let's try to meet up. I will try to send you a purple moo-gram or whatever it is.