Anthony Cronk : Welcome to and our sister site, And a Big Welcome to the Rocket and
Wood Stoves forum threads.
With ~ 35,000 ~Fellow Members world wide you can come here 24 / 7 and talk to someone who wants to talk about what you want to talk about !
Yes you are running on the low end; for a barrel and a half you should see temps 500ºƒ to 800ºƒ temps near the center of your barrels top can be hot
enough to make it glow a dull red if pushed a little !
Speaking of Glowing red, with a well built Rocket The Firebricks in the Burn Tunnel should be seen to glow red especially if you are in a darkened room,
this should happen in the 1st 15-20 minutes after you get your fire started -but easily within the 1st half hour !
It is possible to provide the fire with too much air for the amount of wood you are burning this will actually cool the fire. Even though we make much of our
Rockets Roar -truthfully it should sound about like chimney/creosote fire just starting off. You can learn to Automatically
feed it by the amount of noise it
Makes !
You can partially close off the top of your Feed Tube with a couple of bricks to better channel the amount of air you are feeding your fire and should notice a
quick increase in Your Rockets full song !
With a red hot burn tunnel, you should have no or very little Charcoal build-up within the Burn Tunnel . Charcoal 'left over' after you have fired Your Rocket is
a sign you are not getting things hot enough !
Sometimes new Rocket Owners will try to cram in more wood in an effort to not be watching their rocket all the time and the result will be that chunks of wood
and charcoal will be pushed deeper into the Burn tunnel and you can end up with a constipated Rocket that will not burn well ! I doubt that is your trouble, but
it is worth checking !
Hopefully now that you have found your way here you will keep coming back to tell us how you are doing and show off your Beautiful Earthship !
Here are a couple of links to make your searches and your future posts even more powerful //// Links below :
For the Good of the Crafts ! Big AL