Bad teaching eh.
i have read your addition more carefluly and it is nice of you to suppose it is bad teaching but i had some very good teachers and especially so in biology i never learnt anythng itf i did not. I am so gratefull for my gramar school education and for the loittle sxhool who pretended to be catholic beause their head was and all their prayers and teachers were protestant. the convent had good clsses in literature and painting but was incredibley bad in everything else and incedibly unfriendly on the level other girls were not ferienldy for years.
I think that over the years i have changed the story a bit. I learnt the right formula and then started thinking the logical thing was that we breathed in carbon dioxide separated out the two substances and kept the oxygen. It is not logical that we breath in oxygen, there are so many other things in the air. Into our blood maybe, but into our lungs? We must take in the full mix of what is in the air.
I used to think that I was a bad student except in a one or two parts of my studies but I have found out that i was not that bad, it amazes me how much I learnt, so getting something wrong occasionally, getting my knickers in a twist once in a while, no longer phases me or makes me willing to be totally trampled underfoot.
Here in Spain anything I said that was silly or irresponsible or that could be made to sound it has been so stored up crystallized, pickled and served out to all and anything ok that I have said so thrown into a corner or twisted that I don’t mind hitting out at Spaniards though in all truth it might be unfair to attack the whole country, I got in with a tough lot. With the lot I know, it is every word you say will be taken down and used against you. That is why they are so discreet themselves, which makes them a bit boring.
I have been criticized here for not knowing
politics, Spanish politics are so different from English ones and i never specialized in history or politics, still it seems i know more than my old lack of confidence allowed me to imagine i did.
I was very ignorant and still am on things like anarchy that was a big movement hereand successful while it lasted educating villagers to a high level but on biology? I am not a science person but here in Spain the ignorance on the basics of biology among people that don't study it, is so big it would be hard to beat them, and i am talking of university types.
The competitiveness is so great in Spain that you can't brain storm anything, those you are working with are only trying to knock you out of the running, that is what i call undisciplined thinking and normal in a country with such a profoundly arrogant upper
class or middle class that is accostomed to thinking that equalitarian behavior is their lowering themselves
enough to talk to you about some topic they consider appropriate for idiot rather than having the bounty to treat you as an equal and talk of something interesting. How can academics work if each one is trying to knock the other out of the running instead of sharing information?
Some people seem to think that intellectualness is what is more accurately is described as encyclopedic knowledge, some knowledge is part of being intellectual but disciplined thinking is the other part. Knowledge can be adquired when you need it, more especially so with a computer in the house, it is the ability to compare and contrast information and trying to get the full picture, knowing how to research, breaking down and rebuilding ideas and knowing how to pool information and hunches and so sort out ideas with other people, what House does with his team that turns you into an intellectual as much as encyclopedic knowledge does.
It is for me improbable that House would work so well with others and be a complete pig, enough of a pig to keep discipline yes but not a complete pig, so i think the program falsifies all likely reality and makes the manipulative those whose only
gift is to make others jump feel they are brilliant like House, who is very imaginative and knowledgeable and good at medicine as well as able to get people functioning, and also the program makes it more that people will imagine that totally manipulative destructive people might be also able to do group work, and be good teachers as House is. It promotes false expectations promotes people falling into the hands of the destructive more easily.
Some people have a strict idea of what they consider intellectual, if you aren't famous you can make no pretentions to that status, however i think that all conversation that is not frivolous and conversation that seek to be just and fair may be considered intellectual. So many topics have to do with human welfare, from understanding human behavior, un-malicious gossip, to how to
feed the world, to politics and many others.
I have been treated like an idiot for thirty years here in Spain, in England too in all truth. People have been quick to remember anything stupid i said and have not been interested in anything i knew or anything fair and responsible I said, so i don't mind hitting out at those who have hit out at me for so long. It is however a Spaniard who taught me to hit back thank heavens, though I always wanted to make friends and hitting back makes that hard but befor ei was awfully nice to people though they did not recognise iut like did p and it turns out they thought i was idling in the kitchen i don't understnd it . paid for their holidays in part and such i dug a big hole for myself by being nice .. agri rose macaskie.