I get a lot of the 'no till' ideas for in-ground
gardening that are promoted here. In ground is not an option here, for a number of reasons. We've been doing raised beds and big containers for a while.
I grew up with a victory garden mom from the Great Plains and we lived in a solid clay river valley, so annual spring tilling was a standard thing. So I was continuing the tradition.
My raised beds are filled with 100% 'man-made' soil - years of my hand-turned hot
compost piles added over the years. I also now side dress with worm leechate. I'm thinking I'm doing pretty well...
but now I'm hearing about how it's actually WORSE for my soil to hand till it, and instead I
should leave it be, and just add compost on top?
I have the potential for invasive
roots coming up into the beds, which is another justification for tilling and fluffing. but I'm open to input. thoughts?