I'm in the highly selective camp on which tech is allowed in.
I studied marketing just so I would know how I'm being played.
it's also interesting how much of marketing is considered gospel and is a total fail. An example being basing your success on how many folks click on something....which the platforms exploit to clean your wallet for no value delivered.
As a side note, one of the clearest voices out there calling out all the fraud would be Corey Doctorow.
Reading him is like self defense from marketing evil.
More gray area...
I've converted computerized cars back to old time ignition and fuel but it kills the fuel mileage and isn't helping engine life as unburnt fuel contaminates the oil more quickly.
It does solve an immediate problem for folks who are struggling and couldn't afford something like a 5 -600 dollar computer when it's a stretch for them to buy
enough groceries.
it's like what Terry Pratchett wrote, where he discusses how the poor man can't afford a decent set of
boots to begin with so he's stuck paying more long term for repeated buys of cheaper stuff...or fuel and vehicle life in this case.
My personal solution is to keep an ancient 1970 Chevy pickup, which has been converted to electronics. Sitting on the shelf are all the original parts to swap it back to carburetor and points ignition.
Facebook etc. Online platforms
I like Facebook for keeping in touch with old friends worldwide and the hilarious memes.
I make it a point to click on a wide spectrum of things to confuse the marketing algorithms.
Sites like ebay and amazon have been critical for me ever since they popped up.
My curiosity leads me down many, many unusual rabbit holes that require odd parts to do the projects involved.
None of that can even be found locally but it's sitting there waiting online.
I hate both platforms because they constantly make it more difficult for sellers and buyers.
it may be incompetence and not malice, but it's annoying.
example - ebay used to have WAY more unusual odds and ends of parts and pieces sold by little sellers. They have put so much favoritism towards giant, usually Chinese, sellers it's running off the folks who have sold all those unusual things that made ebay great in the beginning.
Corey Doctorow, as mentioned above, wrote a great article on how these platforms go bad. It involves swear words so just look for an article about twitter using cuss words and his name and you'll find it. Best explanation EVER.
UPDATE - Found another, shorter article by him with a quick version of his explanation:
I've always been a huge Buckminster Fuller fan.
Bucky pointed out back in the sixties that the tech we had then was enough to free us all from drudgery but it gets co-opted for things like endless wars for
profit instead of being used to improve everyone's life.
At least enough of the good filters down to where us peasants can put it to good use, if we choose carefully.
Oh yeah...and I still carry an old flip phone, and only when I leave the house.
Makes calls, and that's all.
One time I had to replace it.
the kid on the counter recoiled in horror when he saw what it was, with a classic comment that made me laugh...
"Arrgghhh! Fossil phone!"