We're planning some epic events for 2018! And we'd like some feedback.
annual events Currently, we are thinking these will be annual events, and the webpages will updated as soon, though as of this post might still be showing 2017 event information.
Wow, that's a lot to go through! I'll list a few that had the most votes back in 2013, one per post below. Plus a couple that were just suggested during the recent rmh jamboree.
Please upvote your favorite idea! Feel free to add a new idea, too. One idea per reply post please, so folks can upvote.
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Jocelyn Campbell
Posts: 6593
Location: Everett, WA (Western Washington State / Cascadia / Pacific NW)
Idea from 2013: how to build a solar cart; installing a permanent solar panel; heliostats / solar tracking; batteries; inverters; fresnel lens. A week.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Jocelyn Campbell
Posts: 6593
Location: Everett, WA (Western Washington State / Cascadia / Pacific NW)
From the jamboree: natural build of a skiddable (or tiny house) cabin. Build in the wheaton labs rmh-heated shop in February. Roundwood frame, strawbale, cob, all might be used.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Jocelyn Campbell
Posts: 6593
Location: Everett, WA (Western Washington State / Cascadia / Pacific NW)