Hi folks,
Looks like I may be pulling the trigger - finally - on getting
My hope is to integrate them into our other projects:
I want
compost - lots of well scratched, thoroughly turned compost, Rich in
chicken poo!
I want them on a deep floor of
wood chips - we get them free and can have them dumped directly in the run. Once broken down and manures they can be spread on beds.
I need a way of composting weeds - currently we have weeds survive our heaps.
Bindweed roots in particular. I need to be able to throw barrow loads of weeds and stuff in and not worry about contaminating beds with the resulting compost.
We periodically make
biochar -
chickens can inoculate them for me. They go in with the other weeds and scraps and come out with the finished compost.
So, with these factors in mind, I am settled on a permanent coop and run arrangement. I want an earthen floor, with deep litter bedding. I definitely want to make it tall
enough to walk in easily.
To keep foxes out I have seen a really neat design with a high chicken door - about 7ft up. Chickens access it from perches on the inside, or from a chicken ladder outside. Foxes can't reach it. I have also seen battery operated door opener/closers.
The catch is that most of the actual coops I have seen photos or plans for have solid floors. Is there some fundamental reason why solid floors are better? It just looks to me like you are creating a cleaning problem, compared to earth and a deep layer of wood chips? The potential problem I could see was foxes who got into the run trying to dig through the earth to get in. Is there a solution?
My current vague plan involves setting four posts in
concrete and making sides from plywood sheets, painted. Speed of build and cost are factors to consider as I have limited time for construction projects because of work. Roof would be pitched corrugated sheet.
How does it sound?