Disavantages are more difficult to find.... I will go personal without looking at other opinions.
- Organic farming still use some external intrants, aka you need to destroy some places to
feed others. Example, using dolomite or
diatomaceous earth, or removing some organic matter from one place to feed fields. I read once that going all at once world wide organic would be the worse catastrophe...
Most of ALL, organic farming increase would point at major social and cultural problems, and I think this is what stops the growth of organic farming. I see this as a sort of disadvantage... For example farmers have to submit to be paying for their organic label, and be controlled, because of chemical agriculture. Actually, there can be a nice "fighting for the good" when you are a farmer, be also some pressure... You can become more aware and feel helpless and fighting against to big.
What are the social issue that I see made visible by organic agriculture?
- If we want as I said produce our own fertilizer etc, we need to keep some organic matter and produce it. This makes visible the stupidity of cities: organic left-overs do not come back to where they came from, and people poo it in another place, in water that has to be cleaned after! Orange
trees do not get back the peel with the chemicals they produce for their own health.
- It makes visible the stupidity of monoculture. It is not possible to grow potatoes all the time, that put all the carbone in what is sold and eaten, leaving nothing for the soil. Monculture advantage is that you can grow what suits best the type of soil but brings more depende ce on transport. What is not local can be organically produced, but will not be ecological when transported far way.
- 1/3 of the ground used to be for producing food for animals, which brought also the local manure... If we do not use petrol, and if we produce agro-fuel, then it will also need 1/3 of the land, and still to throw carbon in the air instead of putting it in the soil.
- It will put the light on the increase of population, which is still a taboo topic. Increase of population is what lead to vegetarianism but at the same time vegetarianism allows still more increase of the population, postponing the problem that will stem from even more population. Human population has always been reduced by wars, hunger and epidemies. The longer we control this thanks to chemicals and easy fossile power, the worse can the result be about those 3 factors.
- The use of animal power and animal for producing manure, and for using lands that would suffer from agriculture, shows how we need to rethink and refeel our relationship to animals, as one part of the population puts no attention on them and do not mind CAFO, and one part want to go vegan as a reaction.
- We are like ostrich concerning the wealth we have from hidden slavery, and all this come from having modern agriculture that can cultivate more land with less persons, allowing hands for making the rest of the stuff, both that we need and not need that much.
So we can do organic farming or
gardening, all this at reduced levels, and these levels do not increase that much nor that quick. Increasing organic farming cannot happen without creating waves into some points I pointed to, and for sure others I do not think right now, or that I am yet not conscious about...