Sometimes the answer is nothing
"may your experience be fruit for all those who follow"
Lorne Martin wrote:I have found that sheep mineral powders work better than the blocs and are less expensive. If they need it they will nibble on it. Mount the feeder up off the ground so it doesn't cake and harden.
Remember to buy mineral supplements locally as they are mixed according to specific needs in your area.
Johnmark Hatfield wrote:Im in wisconsin and it seems like there are a bunch of suppliers that people point to, but the websites offer mixes and nothing is straight forward. I want to see a product called zinc chelate or kelp or monocalcium phosphate, not 60 lbs of something called minerals.
Kris schulenburg wrote:I have been using Pat Coleby's recommendations from her book "Natural Sheep Care". Put out everything separate and free choice. Dolomite, copper sulfate, yellow dusting Sulphur and kelp meal.
They also get Redman salt in a high copper and low copper form. Their are other trace minerals in those as well.
Free Choice Minerals out of Wisconsin has minerals mixed with salt and bran to make it more palatable and less concentrated.
Mine also eat a lot of cobalt (vitamin B12 precursor so they don't get runny eyes) and boron.
Sheep are sensitive to too much copper but seem to know how much they need. At least mine have done good with it over the last 6 years.
Travis Johnson wrote:
Sheep can get some of the minerals that they need by having browse giving to them; both softwood and hardwood brush, but loose mineral mix is best. I get mine in 30 pound bags for $25, so its not that bad price wise, and storage wise. I found they might eat a lot of it when they first get it, but after having constant access to it, seldom eat it. They self regulate for sure.
Kris schulenburg wrote:Baking soda is for bloat. Grass hay helps to keep from bloating as well.
I don't know about the selenium other than we live in a low selenium area and feeding kelp and the higher selenium Redmond salt, we have not experienced problems associated with low selenium. Yet anyway.
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