Thankyou this is reassuring. I actually live in northern Ontario and it may seem like a live in some snowy wasteland filled with conifers but the the temperature isn't actually much different the coldest it gets where i live exactly matches the averages of northern Nebraska strangely
enough the amount of climatic change here in Ontario gives a diverse range of zones to grow lots of awesome food. I really love these trees and I've been obsessed with growing them here don't see much here it would be a culture shock to see a guy with a persimmon instead of a
apple tree lol i think growing food would be less of a niche if people could really see the potential that northern climates have to offer. Maybe it would create more independence if people knew what they can grow. Thanks again i will experiment and see what happens i have
shelter from north eastern winds and a good south west exposure the fall ill mulch heavy and pile snow on in winter to insulate.