Mike Barkley wrote:Any recommendations on HOW to roast chestnuts?
depends what you plan to use them for. if you just want to eat whole roasted chestnuts, roast them however you like. in an oven. over a fire. a microwave would probably even work. they're much easier to peel and less likely to explode if you score the shell (I believe this is the intended use of chestnut knives). most folks score an x on some part. the hotter they are when peeled, the easier the task is. the pellicle (the skin under the shell that is a little bit astringent) comes off more easily if there are some American (
Castanea dentata) involved. I don't mind the pellicle, but some folks do.
if you're going to make flour with them, boiling, steaming, and smoking are also good options. dehydrated might also work, though I've never tried it and I'm not sure how to go about it to ensure that peeling is easy.
don't know if I mentioned candying or preserving chestnuts in sugar syrup previously. I've done that a couple of times. it preserves them well
enough, and they're sort of tasty, but the sweetness washes out most of the actual chestnut flavor. I may just not have found the best use for them.