Here's a naked one :)
My friend told me my
chickens hatched in May. This is from last October so it would be 5 months old here. RIP
I managed the meat department of a small store for 10 years before I quit a month ago. During that time I probably cut up around 16000
chickens but this is the first one I butchered.
He was a bit nasty, the hens were scared of coming back in the coop at dusk and yesterday he messed up my other rooster.
Chickens can be vicious!
The fight must have been stressful for the flock because I usually get eggs everyday, even on -25C days. Yesterday, nothing!
I decided it had to go. It was a year old and 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) when dressed. Is that the right word, dressed? Because when done it looked pretty much naked to me. English is strange.