Woofing might teach methods of planting and knowing how to grow individual plants is important, i had some rotten potatoes lying around in my garden having tried to plant vegetable shop potatoes and them having some how come to the surface and apparently potatoes with illnesses can effect potatoes that people from miles around have planted around as well as havign a negative effect on the potatoes you try to grow in the future if you grow bad potatoes then any good ones you put in that ground will come up bad, you do need to knw about each plant you grow.
I thought of buying vegetable shop to use as seed potatoes and experienced gardeners know that such are the problems associated with diseases in potatotes that it is best to spend the money on bought potatoe seed while in the case of other plants collecting your own seed may workb though it is best to read about seed collection in all cases or you will ned up with melons that have crossed with cucumbers and taste horrible.
Sepp Holzers whole system is maybe so healthy he can use his own seed potatoes. A claim for organic farming is that with healthy soil disease is greatly reduced. I think this means tha tas in your body there are enough healthy flors in the soil or in your bodsy to keep pahtogens at bay till you die while if there is an imb alance in the system pahtogens thrive. SOos
sepp holzer may not have to worry much about his seed potatoes.
That is the sort of thing or an expert in whom you trust tells you or you find out for yourself at your own expense which is to say after years of trail and error. There are sects who say follow us because if you dont it is all trail and error, we know the right way so give up the effort of using your own head and truest in us, this is not a good is idea, even established religions can at moments in their histories go of at some prety amazing and not very positive tangents. If people just walked around believing everything they were told humans would never have got anywhere so it is good to find out for yourself but it is also expensive and it is also true that we stand on the soldiers of those who went before, apparently the industrial revolution came about because of patenting, before patents a blacksmith here might have had a revolutionauyyr way of solving some problem with a peice of machinery and another one there but there ideas got lost when they died, when ideas got patented they got saved and could be com¡bined and used to make new things.
If a person you consider a fuddy duddy, who maybe you have found to be wrong old fashioned and inefficient, tells you something then you may think they are idiots so i will do it my way, so learning off them does not teach you anything.
I know that efficient people know about the work force around them and if a worker who is known to be good gets released from their job because those who employed them retired maybe, the efficient employees come to ask them to work for them it is the same if you want to learn while you work be carful about who employs you. Find someone whose exxperience you respect though it cost you to find them.
Maybe if you have the money now you could buy the land and leave the weeds to better it while you worked for
experience. It is often when you are in your fifties that you feel years spent in getting the experience are years well spent though they take away from the few years you have left to live, while in your twenties you feel that you have to get along fast.
i think it would also be valuable to work in any old business. I feel sure that selling potatoes and apples and such would never add up to an income i could live off, maybe if i worked in some sort of business i would have a real idea of how selling a thing here and another their sums up to a fair amount of money, to judge from the number of people emoployed in small businesses that must be true: Confidence is a great help in carrying a project through and real confidence comes from real experience in things, you may believe the logic of the observation that as others do this business and that some people who dont seem to be geniuses it must be possible for you to to so to but tha tsort of confidence born from observation logical as it seems leaves mnoraml people a bit scared on an uncounsiouse level it is when you do things that you feel very sure of your own abilities, so working in any business especially if you are floor manager type thing not just a worker worker or you do the accounts a bit may well give you the experience that gives you the confidence to start up on your own with a lot more
energy energy that makes success more likely.
the young hope nothing very bad can happen to them in life, they reckon on a certain amount of pain but not on the biggest amounts but it can to them.
What head of a business teaches a casual worker is to pick apples or prune and such, how to do the production part of the business. What the head of a business probably teaches their sons is how to buy say the potatoes you need, where to buy the best ones at the best price. How to knock the price down, how many is a minimum you need to buy, how to keep workes at work, this can mean not joining in your business is to organise and i know i was taught to take a fair share of the menial work tha ttakes time away from important leaerning time, r just overseeign time a boss should not feel obliged to show they are willing to do the dirty work though that must depend if the extra help is essentian ofr when it is not. How to
sell things and fight for each penny of the selling price and such things that are not always explainned to workers. THtwa is if you are not a community just givign away the extra. This might be the sort of information you need as well as the information on planting the crops. To get this sort of information working as a woof might not be much help. Maybe there are people who take on woofs who teach manegerial skills as well as growing skills.
underlying fear about real abilities is very restricting and these fears work on the unconsciouse level taking away a lot of your energy. The consciouse mind says, "of course i can do it, look at all these people who dont seem geniuses who seem to keep their heads above water but there is another bit of the head that changes your behavior reduces your thrust when your confidence does not come from real experience but from the observation that if others do it it must be possible.
It is much easier to try things if your father has always done them you know from experience how these things go. That is why the government of Liberia in Africa invited the Indian workers they had expeled from Liberia a few years before, back to Liberia. The workers from India, many of them are used to running something that seems so easy as a shop, their fathers did it, they have recieved a lot of information about it in childhood, they dont for instance run out and buy a more expensive car when they have a bit of extra money, they reinvert in they get a cool chamber to store goods in, how can an outsider know you have to be endlessly mean on yourself if you want to make it, they just see others have made it and imagine it is easier than it is or dont see that while it is easy enough for someone who knows how it is not so easy for an outsider.
However it is from people taking big risks that countres move forward, if everyone does the safe thing and rests on dustier and dustier version of the old. countries slowly go down hill. Psychiatry tha thhas such a big influence on our society seems to b¡me to suggest behavior hta is best for individuals and families i think if its ideas get too entrenched without changing a bit it will creat societeis of people who dont take the sort of risk tha tis good for countires whthough it is not so good for individuals and families. So take risks, be a soldier for your country instead of a person who takes the safe course. You never know you might do very well. Still getting in a lot of experience first might be a way of reducing the risk. agri rose macaskie.