Sorry for your loss. I wanted to say I would recommend tree tubes for the pawpaws. I have another post on this topic somewhere, but planting the pawpaws in tubes I had 100% survival, in a wide open field. Seems to be
enough shade for them. Tubes are off after a year (they are now three years old after transplanting year 2) and they are happy and big.
Some species like the tubes, some were miserable in tubes (mildew, beetles, etc) but the pawpaws loved it. You don't need big tubes, a 24"
should be fine. I got forest service seedlings and intend to try to get some scion
wood to field graft this winter, they look that good!
If you plant in soil and then add the tube I would leave it on for two years.
Foxgreen might send you some seeds if you beg, most are done shipping for the year.