When I was in Kenya, it was pointed out to me, that there was a new donkey slaughterhouse. It turns out there are several, all of them Chinese owned, and the meat is shipped off to China.
I decided to investigate this, because I had seen many donkeys working on farms, and it didn't seem prudent to slaughter them all.
I saw a news story about donkey slaughterhouses in Kenya. They have made donkey slaughter illegal in many countries in Africa, because of Chinese demand for the meat. The price of donkeys has tripled and people are stealing them to take them to the slaughterhouse. 2 years ago, a farmer could spend one week's income, and buy a donkey. Now it takes 3 weeks income.
On most small farms, that don't have a
tractor, they are the main tool in tilling the soil and getting stuff to market. So, by allowing the slaughterhouses to continue, the government is effectively reducing the amount of donkeys available for work on farms.
They are being brought into Kenya from Uganda and Tanzania. It's believed that most of them were stolen, since a farmer would never get rid of his donkey just so he could make a few dollars, when he needs it every day to run the farm.
I suppose if there becomes an acute shortage of donkeys, the price will rise even higher and some small farmers will opt to buy one of those cheap little tractors, made in China. Donkeys are a very efficient thing to keep on a small farm. They are fed garden waste and I have seen children on the side of the road after school, grazing the family donkey, and harvesting grass to take home. It cost people just about nothing, too keep these animals.
There's not much we can do about it here, other than avoiding donkey meat.
We've heard plenty in the past, about demand in China, causing the poaching of wild animals such as elephants and rhinoceros. Now they are helping poor people to become thieves, who steal their neighbors ability to operate small farms, without the need for a tractor and fuel.