winsol3. Negativity is a complicated question, there are several abuses of language that serve to keep the status quo, like if children complain then they are making a fuss where as if adults complain they are keeping order. The same goes for women and men, men are keeping order or perfectly justified in their hissy fits, while women are hysterical if they lose it. This use of language is so subtle or seems it we are so used to taking men seriously and respecting their anger and thinking women hysterical if they get angry that the people who are the normal victims of double standards use the language against themselves.
You cant resolve problelms without recieving complaints, you have to be responsable to resolve problems, it's hard workdone wll you have to get to the bottom of things and that takes time and you must not be too confident in your power to understand people on first sight to trust first impressions or you will think you know it all without havign to investigate.
Complaints can be seen as negativity, as the glass being half empty and the complainers can be instructed to better their evaluation of what they have and see the glass as half full rather than half empty, this prevents the stitch in time that could have saved nine, it is important to encourage complaints so as to sort things out while they are still only small problems, or before someone gets hurt. A woman is killed a week on average by her husband here in Spain, how many are killed in North America? I have known the people of a ecological village of whom it was claimed they burnt each others houses because of unresovled fights.
Negativity becomes counterproductive when it stops people discussing options they are so sure their are none. I am always with people who put aside all plans because they refuse to believe they can do anything. I have only just learnt to say, "enough! we are talking about how to do this, not about the reasons it cant be done", that is at fifty five! I used to just accept the criticism of any plan without being aware that i was allowing this evaluation of the difficulties of any plan to stop the discussion of how it could be brought to fruition. Both discussions are important if anything is to be done sucessfully but discussing the cons to the plan seem more real but in fact are just as counterproductive is just discussing the pros. Understanding the ways a plan can be carried through as well as the problems that might get in the way of carrying it out is in fact normal part of leadership.
Lots can be done, we have just been through two centuries in which the french revolution happened and the whole of Russia and neighboring countries were turned into a big communist state, the soviet union did not go at all well but people acheived enforcing a new system, it can be done, the nobles heads can be guilotined.
In europe there was a slow move to more fair distribution of wealth that brought great wealth to the countries that were involved, i think just because more people starting businesses means more buisnesses that grow to be sucessful.
The increase in those starting businesses in coutries were the left pervails enough to bring about greater equality is the result of greater wealth among the poor tha allows them to start buisnesses and an education to university level and beyond of nearly all the population. That is why it is better to distribute the wealth a fair amount but as much as the soviet union did does not seem to work.
States only became fairer though through the work at difusing new ideas of an awful lot of people, communists, left wing people, anarchists who are not so caotic as people pretend they are, in Spain they organised schools for the poor and adult education lectures for the grossly under educated poor, achieving as a result some peasants who were equal to any members of the intelligencia. They even for a while ran factories in which everyone was employed, the diligent and lazy and turned a
profit. What made this hard to continue in the end was not that they employed the useless but that they insisted that no one person should be a leader. Mind you in Marxist kibbutz they rotated leadership and the kibbutzes did probably do still work i have been on one.
The anarquists were a very positive influence in Spain and though no one wants to be blown up by the bombs of an anarquist or to live in a communist state, i am afraid that without them around to work hard spreading the word and to give weight to the left side of arguements we will return to having nobles and serbs set up, your dracula and his downtrodden, groveling, male servant, peasant, situation. I have been whatching, "Young Dracula", a program that is packed with usefull ideas, though a lot slower to whatch than adult films that say very little beyond, i must catch the murderer or the girl i love, much as they know how to keep you on the edge of your seat and in a glamourous world for a while. agri rose macaskie.