Let's Talk About Fruit In the Ozarks
1 |
Peter Hartman
Judith Browning
ozarks |
Ozark Tours
14 |
Peter Hartman
Liam Hession
ozarks |
Anyone want to help layout our 3 acre property?
1, 2
64 |
Peter Hartman
Hannah Fuk
homestead |
Is any one growing dates ( Phoenix dactylifera ) ?
2 |
Peter Hartman
Chris rain
plants |
Tetradium Daniellii - Bee Bee Tree
12 |
Peter Hartman
Crt Jakhel
trees |
Ernie, Could share your thoughts on Geoff Lawtons water heater?
8 |
Peter Hartman
Carol Morgan
rocket stoves |
Rebuilding a Pond and Fixing a swale.
3 |
Peter Hartman
Pearl Sutton
ponds |
What do you do to minimize inputs in your annual garden?
32 |
Peter Hartman
Dale Hodgins
gardening for beginners |
Looking for Pear Scion Wood
1 |
Peter Hartman
Erik Barbarosa
pears |
Grafting onto Bradford (Callery) Pear
18 |
Peter Hartman
Ken W Wilson
pears |
Is anyone in of near Nixa Mo?
1 |
Peter Hartman
jack jone
ozarks |
Check out this Chicken/duck house The wheels are levers.
5 |
Peter Hartman
Thomas Partridge
chickens |
Japanese Pagoda Tree - Sophora japonica Regent
6 |
Peter Hartman
Hugh Kay
plants |
Here is a Missouri Swale After 2 Years
2 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
earthworks |
Can I mulch pecans with walnut sawdust/chips
4 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
mulch |
Fall swale update
0 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
earthworks |
Bees in a wall have an expiring lease next spring
4 |
Peter Hartman
tel jetson
honey bees |
Post what you have been up to
8 |
Peter Hartman
Pamela Honey
ozarks |
Pond and swale update, 2 more inches of rain
3 |
Peter Hartman
Corey Schmidt
earthworks |
Cold Hardy Muscadine, what have you found?
1 |
Peter Hartman
S Bengi
grapes |
Garlic Flower produces little Garlic, Can I plant these?
4 |
Peter Hartman
Joseph Lofthouse
flowers |
Filling a pond with a rain barrel
0 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
ponds |
My first pond
11 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
ponds |
This is how I plant my trees
4 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
trees |
My swale Time Lapse
7 |
Peter Hartman
elle sagenev
earthworks |
Update on our bees
2 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
honey bees |
My old machines
9 |
Peter Hartman
Rufus Laggren
woodworking |
What does the transition from field to forest look like?
2 |
Peter Hartman
Dave Burton
forest garden |
Can some one help me find a fruiting weeping mulberry tree?
4 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
trees |
Ben, Can you discuss the long term effects of running wood gas through an engine?
3 |
Peter Hartman
Ben Peterson
biogas |
Is anyone familiar with Pineywoods Cattle?
2 |
Peter Hartman
Alder Burns
cattle |
we found a baby duck, now what?
12 |
Peter Hartman
Daniel Palacios
ducks and geese |
South Springfield, Nixa, Ozark | Seed Swap |
2 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
ozarks |
Sealing natural stone counter tops - marble
6 |
Peter Hartman
John Elliott
natural building |
Question for Dave
4 |
Peter Hartman
Dave Jacke
forest garden |
Looking for ideas on a 50x100 space
18 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
forest garden |
Agriplow keyline
8 |
Peter Hartman
R Scott
earthworks |
DIY low power geo cooling or AC
5 |
Peter Hartman
Abe Connally
alternative energy |
Building an ICF house
4 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
homestead |
New toy
4 |
Peter Hartman
Peter Hartman
earthworks |
maximizing/minimizing solar gain
5 |
Peter Hartman
John Polk
solar |